Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Hear ya on the Bassholes LOL. Wanna make it a combo add a SALTLIFE and a YETI sticker

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read arrti, now need copy with the logging stories, it is ordered. It's all taking me back, great fan of Stewart Holbrook (The Boswell of the lumber camps) and Kesey's masterwork 'Sometimes A Great Notion', and its writing of 50s logging. The Maclean's elegaic qualities, among other things, made me regret being dirt ignorant about fly fishing. My nature I suppose. I had never realized that more than the mere esthetic (the long loops swirling) that the fish was to be cunningly lured by the perceived snack into a eh, a misjudgement.

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Brian, agree, it was a big loss. It was a highlight of my day if i wandered into the store and saw some new items added to the clearance rack. I felt like a lesser version of J. Peterman!

Best to you.

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We share some history; you started at WS with an open request for questions. Mine was early, as was your reply. I thought mine the ultimate warm-up question; " In the real beginning was there nothing, and something came along, or was there always something". And your reply was " I'll have to check for that on Wikipedia ". And until Wikipedia arrives, we might be a bit comfortable with a saying George Will learned from his father, " I'm an amiable, low voltage atheist ".

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I feel compelled to speak in defense of Bass Pro Shops, mostly because they started in my hometown. I remember them from when they were just a small store in a strip mall and not even they anchor store. (That was the Brown Derby Liquor Store, owned by the same family.) That strip mall is gone, along with everything else on that block, replaced by the behemoth that is the Bass Pro Shops flagship and the adjacent Wonders of Wildlife National Museum and Aquarium. If BPS sells some tacky stuff now, it's because it sells. Blame the people who buy it.

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Matt, you almost went too far. You almost stepped over that ''snowflake line.'' I don't remember you fighting the good fight when others were consumed by the fashionistas and metrosexuals many moons ago. Oh, no!! It is just when it affects you. ;-) My current but not first clothing Waterloo was when hiking clothing become trendy for ten minutes as the ''outdoor look''.


Watching Manhattanites wear my hiking boots and heavy plaid wool shirts to some hipster bar was discouraging to say the least. I don't remember you crying when real Cowboys had to endure the ''Urban Cowboy'' trend. ;-) But you saved yourself with Miller's Crossing. Strangely, I happened across a retrospective on Miller's Crossing that you might appreciate. https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2014/09/30-years-of-coens-millers-crossing/379895/

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I'm left in awe at the movie magic evident in the first scene. How does a hat blow downwind that furiously but the leaves do not? Mysteries, mysteries.

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Take my $50 subscription just for referencing Miller's Crossing.

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Thanks, Double D. My people!

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by Matt Labash

Hilarious article! A friend forwarded this to me and I will start reading more. Your attitude to the Bass Pro Hats reminds me of the ole "Go Climb a rock" t shirts sold in Yosemite valley in the 70s. None of use climbers would be caught dead wearing one.

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Good name. You don't base-jump with your dog, do you? A la Dean Potter?

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Ha ha no, fly dogs from where they will be put down to an adoption.

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That is the Lord's work right there, my friend. Dogs are the best.

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Enjoyed the article courtesy of a link from Instapundit. Googled Matt Labash and enjoyed what I read. Ordered the book Fly fishing........ from Amazom . $19.99? For 20 bucks it should be autographed.

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You probably could've gotten an autographed one on Amazon, used. From my "friends." Thanks for buying, Peter.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by Matt Labash

“You’re always on somebody else’s turf. You’re often trying to frame order out of chaos. You’re forever attempting to sound authoritative about things you knew next to nothing about five minutes prior…” resonated with me…sounds like consulting as well…

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It’s a fricking baseball hat. Get over it you fly fishing snob.

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Almost fell off my stool and dropped my Taco Bell when I hit the part about disadvantaged businesses. I used to recruit them to projects. Management made it so hard, they always wanted their drinking buddies. I would tell them it is just part of the game when you work with the federal guvies. Thought I had found the great solution one day in the form of a woman owned small business, HUBZOONE, native owned run by TWO BLONDE HOTTIES! Senior guvies, especially military, would have fallen all over themselves… No sale, drinking buddies won again.

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Dec 17, 2021·edited Dec 17, 2021

Absolute fun read. BUT you need not worry about culture appropriation....No true fly-fisherman in the world would wear a Bass Pro Shop hat. those hats are for gear-chuckers, and the beer over-indulging, fish slaying, non-catch and release, non-conservation, litter throwing, portable radio blaring crowd. If I see someone on the river, or any water, wearing a BPS hat, I know to stay as far away from them as possible. It is a nice flag of warning to stay clear of. Same, even when not on the water.

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Well he summed up his existence rather well. Total breathless bulkshit for no one in particular. Mastubo-journalists.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by Matt Labash

Thanks. I haven’t laughed this hard in a while and I enjoyed the writing style. Reading the the English language as it was intended is a rarity today.

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