Stephen- I agree that if men would fulfill their obligations, abortions could be reduced, maybe significantly. Where you and I would probably have to agree to disagree is my contention that there is a third party in this equation who has to depend on the woman or man (preferably both) having some sense of fiduciary responsibility. I may …
Stephen- I agree that if men would fulfill their obligations, abortions could be reduced, maybe significantly. Where you and I would probably have to agree to disagree is my contention that there is a third party in this equation who has to depend on the woman or man (preferably both) having some sense of fiduciary responsibility. I may not entirely agree with it, but a rational case can be made that the man's rights are subordinate to those of the woman. In that same vein, though, the rights of the unborn child should be given consideration. Exactly when the unborn acquire those rights has been thoroughly hashed out up and down in the comments, and likely with no minds changed in the process. Back to the agree to disagree thing...
Stephen- I agree that if men would fulfill their obligations, abortions could be reduced, maybe significantly. Where you and I would probably have to agree to disagree is my contention that there is a third party in this equation who has to depend on the woman or man (preferably both) having some sense of fiduciary responsibility. I may not entirely agree with it, but a rational case can be made that the man's rights are subordinate to those of the woman. In that same vein, though, the rights of the unborn child should be given consideration. Exactly when the unborn acquire those rights has been thoroughly hashed out up and down in the comments, and likely with no minds changed in the process. Back to the agree to disagree thing...