I agree with a lot of your thoughts here but the bible does actually have something to say about abortion and it goes like this: Thou shalt not kill. The current issue at hand is more about adhering to the consitution than it is about abortion rights. Our courts have violated the consitution with Roe and that is what needs to be rever…
I agree with a lot of your thoughts here but the bible does actually have something to say about abortion and it goes like this: Thou shalt not kill. The current issue at hand is more about adhering to the consitution than it is about abortion rights. Our courts have violated the consitution with Roe and that is what needs to be reversed. Rules on things such as abortion are to be left to the electorate and are not to be handed down from an unelected judiciary. When it comes to abortion both sides have grossly overplayed their hand. Public funding of abortion should have never happened. Citizens should not be forced to participate in abortion by being mandated to fund them for others because like I said, there is that whole Thou shalt not kill thing which some of us have bound ourselves to live by. And for those who don't adhere to that rule then they should be free to live with their decisions as long as they don't impose the costs on others.
Obviously, "Thou Shalt Not Kill" would apply if you believed that a zygote/embryo/fetus was a fully-formed human being with a soul. But that is the million dollar question.
I agree with a lot of your thoughts here but the bible does actually have something to say about abortion and it goes like this: Thou shalt not kill. The current issue at hand is more about adhering to the consitution than it is about abortion rights. Our courts have violated the consitution with Roe and that is what needs to be reversed. Rules on things such as abortion are to be left to the electorate and are not to be handed down from an unelected judiciary. When it comes to abortion both sides have grossly overplayed their hand. Public funding of abortion should have never happened. Citizens should not be forced to participate in abortion by being mandated to fund them for others because like I said, there is that whole Thou shalt not kill thing which some of us have bound ourselves to live by. And for those who don't adhere to that rule then they should be free to live with their decisions as long as they don't impose the costs on others.
Obviously, "Thou Shalt Not Kill" would apply if you believed that a zygote/embryo/fetus was a fully-formed human being with a soul. But that is the million dollar question.