Hi there, I appreciate your candor and the depth of your writing. I have to pick and choose how many newsletters I can subscribe to and I'm still getting to know yours. So thank you for having some free contact that allows that to happen.

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Good Job, Matt. May capitalism and the dream of financial independence never die. Your soft-sell tugged at my 50-something heart strings and you are my first ever paid subscription service for social and political drivel. You make me laugh and make me think. Thanks Mate.

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Thanks, Phil. Wonderful to have you.

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Matt, have enjoyed your writing over the past couple of months. I think I discovered you through JVL recommendation. Anyway, you and I are about the same age and (it seems) share similar interests: family, fishing, dogs, sarcasm, sustenance, etc. Many of your reflections on your childhood remind me of a book, ‘Stingray Afternoons,’ written by Steve Rushin. Your boyhood experiences, like Rushin’s, are remarkably similar to mine…despite the fact that I grew up in a smallish West Texas town that, back then, felt separated from any other place. As I bunny-hopped my Schwinn Mag Scrambler over my brother’s outstretched arm, it never occurred to me that countless other young guns were doing the same. The world got smaller as I grew larger. Grateful for your contributions to thoughts and entertainment. Wishing you the best in your Substack endeavor. I’m here for it.

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I love your column and feel it’s worth maybe another $100 for your cause. You’re maybe my favorite these days (I actually get very excited when I see your column in my inbox). But I don’t see a way to send another $100, just $250, which I just can’t do right now (granddaughters birthdays are both in February and they are more important to me than you are, no offense intended). So how can I send $100 to express my true appreciation for your writing?

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Very kind, Delaney. And much appreciated. I can understand how your granddaughters are more important to you. (At this point - give it time.) Just save your money until you renew your subscription! For future reference, though, when people sign up in the subscribe box, if they click on the $250 founder's tier, it'll then also let you write in the amount you want. (If it's over $50.) And happy b-day to the grandkids, though I assume they're not Slack Tide readers. We won't hold it against them, though.

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Well, I wanted to send you more money, so I clicked the $250 button, expecting to be able to type in my own amount and it gobbled up the total $250. So the joke’s on me and I’ll just wear a party hat to my granddaughters birthday parties and arrive empty handed. I WILL enjoy your columns though.

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Ugggh, I really hate to hear that. But I don't handle billing. Do me a favor and write support@substackinc.com and tell them what happened, and see if they can make the adjustment. I would do it right away, because it processes and they take their cut. Let me know if you run into any snags. (askmattlabash@gmail.com), and if you do, I'll write them myself.

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Loved the Bill Murray clip! Especially the ending when he points the hose at his socked sandaled feet! Love you Matt. Well worth the 5 bucks a month

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Attention Public Service Message.

I have known Matt since he was born. His beautiful sister Tam she she was born. His mom and dad for over 50 years. One of the best families. I can honestly say that even though we are cousins and absolutely not because we are cousins. I have followed this mans career since his dad let it be known he was being published many many years ago. Talk about a proud "Dad moment". If you are new to Matt and these musings and are not sure about dropping 50.00 or broken down that is 4.16 a month. Much better than the 19.99 a month the talking heads for every organization on TV these days. Please go look him up. He has done truly fascinating interviews, incredibly funny and insightful columns. He was valued so much by The Weekly Standard that he was given free reign to write what he wanted and not a politicized piece, which was the Standards lot in life. And he did so on Bill Kristols dime. (wait maybe that is why they are no longer in business) Oh and in case you did not know Matt is a published author of a book. Go on you know you want to look it up. I am not telling here. What it all boils down to is this "special" place we have been invited into by Matt is a respite from all the noise we have in our daily lives. An opportunity to sit at the bar with your friends and have an opportunity to catch your breath and have a conversation via the comments with your friends. You have the ability to Agree, Disagree, Agree to Disagree but still be friends until Matt sends out his next viewpoint, thus the Bar is Open. I would bet most of us spend more than 50.00 for just one night at our favorite watering hole. Please join me and others in lively mostly cordial discussions without fear of a DUI/DWI. Most importantly his amazing wife and kids will appreciate you

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I consider an investment in Slack Tide an investment in my mental well-being (and much cheaper than Xanax!). Along with some of the most obscure, yet wonderful music videos you may ever see -- like the one here now.

This has been a public service announcement.

Thanks, Matt.

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Ok, I subscribed. For your evangelical readers:

-A workman is worthy of his wages.

-Do not muzzle the ox while he is threshing.

So whether you think he is doing workmanlike writing or is full of BS, you have to pay the man.

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I have a request that would help me pay you more efficiently. I originally subscribed on a monthly basis because I thought if I didn’t enjoy the reading, I would cancel it. Now, I would not like to pay you for the full year so I don’t get an annoying tiny amount deducted from my credit card every month. Is there a way I can change over? I’d also like to not pay the discount. It doesn’t seem fair to you. Signed, “A Satisfied Reader”

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Okay, Curt, they told me the best thing for you to do if you want to modify it is to send your request to support@substackinc.com. Let me know if you run into any snags. (askmattlabash@gmail.com)

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Checking on it for you, Curt. Let me get back to you shortly.

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Here's a thought...maybe when you get a Slack Tide merch store up & runnin' you could make nice with the Honchos at BP and snag a licensing agreement for some Matt Labash Special Edition BASS PRO SHOPS hats. When the trolls hit the paywall and don't bite, offer them a limited chance at some one-off blather for the cost of same, maybe a second one free for a fellow troll, just pay separate shipping & handling. Troll $$$ as green as anyone's for your favorite "charities", right? And of course, Daddy's Medicine. Here's to your continued success. Cheers!

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Marketing genius in your spare time. What don't you do?

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Don't wear Bass Pro Shops hats. But I might could go for one of these babies. Depends on what your no-doubt devious imagination comes up with. If it were really fly, I might even cough up extra S & H for one for the missus, 'long as I get two blathers for that.

But if it's a bust, my sub's paid up. Stuck with me for a while regardless, I guess. Not Sorry.

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Great writing, topics and attitude. I won't pass up the opportunity to remind friends that your bullshit is better than all the other bullshit out there. I hope to win them over to subscribers too. Just don't get a real "Bullshit Job" in journalism again.

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Thanks, Pkiczek. After what I write here, am not sure they'd have me!

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I want Labash swag. Where's the swag?

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Oh Lord. Is this the David Tell, instead of a David Tell? (Note to readers: the best editorial writer in the history of journalism. Google it.) Am still talking out the particulars with a sweatshop in Bangalore, but once the Slack Tide onesies come in, you get a freebie.

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As a nurse , years ago a Pfizer Drug Rep …gave me a Viagra clock as swag , I worked in a doctors office. Can you top that?

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That's a hard one. So to speak. I probably can't beat it. Would you settle for a Cialis stopwatch?

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I guess so Matt. Ok.

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But I’d really rather have a Cialis sippy cup…

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I'll need one with an ass flap. Not getting any younger.

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Glad I subscribed and thanks for continuing to post here. Other political/cultural columnists don't write about flyfishing enough.

Btw I've enjoyed your writing since I read your Marion Barry profile. I got a kick out of that as DC native. My only Barry sighting was in the mid-aughts around or possibly past midnight at the New Vegas Lounge. He was on the dance floor dressed to the nines with a lady around each arm. No one else I was with (out-of-towners) could understand why I was acting like I just saw Elvis. Your piece seemed to capture the man well.

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Thanks, Abe. I totally agree with you that there needs to be more fly fishing writing. Fly fishing is life. All else is death. And thanks on Barry. Didn't know him well, outside my reporting hang-time with him, but I still miss him. He was an American original. RIP: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/weekly-standard/a-rakes-progress

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Matt is a national treasure. Think John Prine with a keyboard. Please send him a little cash.

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Love me some John Prine. Thanks, Gary.

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Been a fan since the late 90s. My then-girlfriend, now-wife were driving from Houston to Seattle and on her turn to drive I read an article you’d written about how elementary schools were banning dodgeball. I’m going by a 25-year old memory but it seems like you wound up playing a game of dodgeball with a bunch of the kids at one school and you went after them “like the grown up dickweed I am” or something to that effect. I giggled about that line the rest of the trip. In fact it’s making me smile now all these years later, so much so that I just upgraded to the $250 Excelsior plan or whatever it’s called. Good luck on the new adventure buddy

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Wow. Good memory, Herb. I'm impressed. I did indeed play dodgeball with an elementary school class. They'd probably send us to Gitmo for that now. Here's the piece, though sadly, our Weekly Standard archive now resides on the Washington Examiner's website. (We had the same corporate owners.): https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/weekly-standard/whats-wrong-with-dodgeball And thanks much for upgrading to the Excelsior plan. I'm honored. You're setting a great example for the others........Be like Herb!

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That essay is hilarious. The world has changed a lot since we were kids. And a lot since the month or so before 9/11 when you wrote that. Wonder if you have any additional thoughts now that you’ve raised two boys? Mine are 18 and 16. I remember when my brother and I showed up at my son’s grade school recess one day and played kickball. Took out this kids legs running to 2nd base. Not one of my finer moments.

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I’ve followed Herb’s example, so today a lagniappe for your troubles.

Speaking archivally, I went back to look at “Leave Supermodels Alone,” one of your funniest (and most courageous) pieces, and remembered that I forgot to comment at the time that the Michael Rapaport manifesto in “Beautiful Girls” is counterpoint to the tirade delivered early in the movie by Rosie O’Donnell, who proclaims that supermodels don’t actually exist except in the pages of one-hand magazines, and that she is the feminine reality men must accept. Natalie Portman’s barely-nubile presence in the movie proves O’Donnell is mistaken, about expectations, at any rate.

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Love it. And how could I not remember, “The children convulse in enthusiastic titers, as if it had just been announced they'd be receiving cigarettes and skin magazines.”?

Great stuff

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Terrrrrriffffic stuff. Happy to have snagged the elevator in the lobby.

Since you don’t like “building community”. Why don’t you call the comments section, “bellying up to th’bar”

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That is a fantastic suggestion, David. Because I don't think we have enough drinking references around here, though they disgust my teetotaling mom. Deal with it, Mom!

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