you are my morning double dose xanax. my wife wants the children to give me slack tide subscriptions. For Grumpy, if one works miracles, then more may make him actually fun.

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You are such an amazing writer! I'm thoroughly enjoying your articles. And bravo for being so brave and saying it like it is. You say it like I think it when looking at the action. You are truly an inspiration.

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This was such a well-timed piece, as I've been brooding over an email exchange I recently had with someone over their comments on a podcast. Long story short, I got my feelings hurt, fired off a snarky email and got a near real-time smackdown reply. Ouch. It wasn't exactly the beginning of a beautiful friendship, which for some reason, is how I thought that would go... So, I've been pouting but also feeling a bit embarrassed by the tone I took in my email. Your article reminded me that grace is always a good thing, and the high road is never the wrong turn... Here's to all of us finding more kindness and grace in the new year!

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"...the high road is never the wrong turn." Haven't heard it put that way before. Nice turn of phrase. Will have to remember that one.

Happy New Year.

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Great read Matt! Jacob sounds like we can give him a pass! I guess I’m grandfathered in as I was sporting the Bass Pro Shops hat 45 years ago! “Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters.” My favorite line from my favorite movie! Many thanks to your beautiful wife and sister-in-law for attending Tony’s funeral. Blessings to you and family! Merry Christmas!

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Thanks, Matt, for putting to words what every one of us has felt when they say or post something in haste, and end up facing the music. The folks who have the grace to reply gently, thoughtfully, and yes - with forgiveness in their hearts when appropriate - are like a life ring to a drowning man.

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I bet there isn’t enough fodder in this story for Drudge to pick it up.

How can the trolls trash grace?

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good one! I used to joke that the foundation of our divided culture should be Emily Post and her rules of etiquette . This is better.

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My dad used to say “if you meet more than one a-hole a day, you just might be one.”

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Amen to all of us working on less jerkitude. Take care of yourself Matt and let us know how you are faring.

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All of this reminded me of Dr. Seuss’ “The Sneetches” 😊

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The Wall Street Journal does a wonderful thing. At the end of bylined articles it provides the email (NOT Twitter or it wouldn’t be so wonderful at all) address(es) of the writer(s). Long time ago I started writing mash notes to thank writers for work I thought really extraordinary. I was surprised at first to get replies that sounded truly grateful. Even ink-stained wretches have souls—and want grace.

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Good for you, Dennis. But don't let the cat out of the bag about ink-stained wretches having souls.........

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As a hard charging politically incorrect SOB at times, calling highly trained and intelligent. Doctors of Infectious Disease here at the VA Overpaid Under Trained Bed Pan Cleaners, after reading this I may and should soften the soap boxes I stand on daily. Thanks for providing clarity to me and my muddy waters world. Be gracious and human....

I wish all of you fellow readers and commenters a Very Merry Christmas!

Matt please let the entire clan know Scott and I send the best wishes and love.

Thanks for being One of the Good Ones.

To my fellow Vets Remember you are Not or ever alone. Merry Christmas and God Bless.

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And hat tip to your vets. God bless 'em.

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Great column (as usual…I’ve become a fan girl). Going to get the book you recommended. Just told my sister this afternoon that I had been musing that with all the hatefulness, COVID fear, climate turmoil and political BS (I’m in Texas), I was beginning to believe was maybe the result of everything lumped together into one toxic bundle was very possibly going to destroy us all. Glad I read your missive and I’m going to deliberately focus on Grace. It surely can’t hurt. I just think you’re the best!

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Great story Matt. Grace, mercy, kindness, and civility are what we need. A good related read: Choosing Civility by P.M. Forni. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery.

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Hope your symptoms quickly pass.

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Good column, as usual, Matt. When I read you had Covid, I had the ungracious thought that you should go find a group of anti-vaxxers to spread the ....... love? Well, I banished that thought because I have been working really hard on my own self-improvement project.

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Have already started the doorknob-licking.

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It was gracious of you to recommend we not inhale your story.

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