Can't believe I missed this column. Please please please America - don't put us through another DJT presidency

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"I prefer saviors who were not crucified,"

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I am way behind as usual...so, you probably won't see this..but

BRAVO...that really cheered me up believe it or not...lol

I am struggling to not lose hope and embrace despair...reading you helps

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As a non-believer, I reject all forms of superstition and magical thinking. I have read about various religions and even took religion classes in college. It amazes me that anyone considering themselves a Christian could call Trump anything but the anti-Christ. The messages supposedly brought to the world by Christ talk of love and peace. These are beautiful ideas for anyone to believe, regardless of their religious or non-religious beliefs. Trump's only love is his love of himself, and the peace he spoke of was spelled "piece" as in **** of A**. He personifies all the things that the Devil supposedly represents. It is beyond my comprehension how anyone can call themselves a Christian and believe in Trump.

Now, if a person says they are a racist piece of shit, a complete misogynist scum bag, and wants to turn our country into a theocracy as a cover for a dictatorship, I can believe them. Until then, they are just fooling themselves and lying to the rest of the world.

In response to one of your readers - No, we can't just move on now. This man and his supporters are trying to destroy our country, which is NOT something we can overlook. This is not a matter of political differences. This is a matter of the survival of our democracy.

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Can we please move on now?

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The entire New Testament was written in Greek not Hebrew . 666 is a numerical expression of Nero

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The entire New Testament was written in Greek not Hebrew . 666 is a numerical expression of Nero

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Drudge has you highlighted again! let the subscriptions roll in. Before you know it, you'll be able to retire and fish full time. Or are you already there?

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I wish!

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Does this make Stormy Daniels the new Mary Magdalene?

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From the New New Testament: Despicabus 2:17 And at the sermon at the Tower he sayeth to the preachers, "Bring me thine daughters and the daughters of thy flock that I might fondle their pussies and make them holey."

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The "my pillow" linen angle seems worthy of following. Maybe Don cuddling Mike to the tune of "Hold Me Closer Tiny Dancer". Promo code DJT=JC

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Unfortunately, 2 + years ago, people that I knew (highly educated) told me they believed this about TFG. I was gobsmacked, and forwarded an email to tell my father, a retired pastor, to get the word out to all of his pastor friends about these nutjobs, so that they'd be prepared. Mindboggling,

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OK, this _has_ to be a parody. What kind of psychopath writes fondly of _apartheid_?!?!!!! I mean, _really_??????

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One can only imagine the sin committed that required this penance. I think it’s safe to say we’re all praying for your salvation, if for no other reason than we’d miss your weekly missives.

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Hmmm...Christmas is coming, and we're always looking for something unique for my mother-in-law. I just worry she'd really like it.

I'm hoping that this author is unmasked as one of those weird actors/performance artists types, like Vincent Gallo, and it's all a joke.

Who am I kidding? That would be too easy.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Matt Labash

Matt, thanks for pursuing this. It is totally loony, and as some have pointed out, it isn't really worthy of your time or mine; but sadly, this is what things have come to. So, it cannot go unanswered. Although I have said this in hope before, perhaps this is finally the turning point – the turning point for Trump, the turning point for Republicans, and the turning point for Evangelicals.

I am watching carefully to see how Trump will respond to this blatant, unvarnished heresy. Will he publicly denounce it for what it is? Or will he bask in the self-delusion that he is so great an historical figure that he was even prophesied in the Scriptures over 2000 years ago? I fear that to ask the question is to answer it. But I still hope. If Trump refuses to speak, perhaps Jerry Falwell, Jr. might want to weigh in.

And, I am watching what Republicans have to say. Ever since Reinhold Richard Priebus made his deal with the Devil during the 2016 primary campaign, Republicans have been willing to tolerate almost any manner of Trump worshipping nonsense in return for lower taxes, Federalist Society approved judges, less government regulation, and political power. But that deal came with a huge price. It started with the loss of Jeff Flake and Bob Corker. It continued through Paul Ryan, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger - and it now includes Ben Sasse. Most of these quality people have been replaced with Trump toadies. Have the Republicans had enough yet?

Finally, I am watching how the Evangelicals respond, because I am an Evangelical - in the classic theological meaning of the word – not the latter-day political farce. Christ said that we cannot have two masters. We cannot serve God and mammon. Donald Trump is mammon on two legs - with an orange face. Have the Evangelicals had enough yet?

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