My biggest disappointment is that Matt failed to put up an affiliate link for catholicshopper.com

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

Karate Jesus put me in mind of a swarthy (but still distinctly Anglo-Saxon featured) Chuck Norris deity. Of course, if God and Chuck Norris (but I repeat myself) ever wrestled like Jacob and the Almighty, well, I think we know who would come out as the victor.

There's been a lot of debate about the nature of Jesus' divinity - like for example if you had him over for Thanksgiving and planned to toss the ol' pigskin around while the turkey is roasting, would Jesus presciently know where you were going to throw the ball? It's been an open question for two millennia!

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Well people have seen Jesus in grilled cheese sandwiches, a McDonalds window (a lady told me she saw him) and a lot of other places.

It just proves that Jesus is in fact everywhere. I’m just thankful he dwells within me and I in him.

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Conan O’Brien used to do bits on these athlete Jesus items. IIRC, he said in one of them, “Now this boy is going straight to hell because HE’S TACKLING JESUS!”

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I could no longer read your posts as a freeloader, so I succumbed & subscribed.

Now I'll be able to see whether you or Jim Treacher has the best newsletter.

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Oct 23, 2022Liked by Matt Labash

I look forward to laughing out loud each week while reading your words. Thanks Matt

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as always, thank ya verra much.

just one detail, Paul Craft helped write the song. Obsessive trivia for those who knew him in Memphis.


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All I know is this: The folks who have decided to do this and other faux-art portrayals of Jesus, like the one going around on social media with TFG, are gonna have some ‘splainin to do when He returns.

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I was fully an adult when I figured out that Jesus was likely dark and middle eastern in appearance and didn’t look in the least like Cesare Borgia.

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As usual, Mr. Matt, you hit the insidious nail on the head! But what I would really like to see is “golf course “ Jesus from 65 yards out with a gap wedge in his hand back spinning the ball straight into the cup!! I would mount that statue on the hood of my automobile. Yesss…

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I wonder what happens to people from New Orleans???

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Good laugh to start my morning :-)

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🤗I sent the first song to the praise team leader where I worship. I’m sure he will use it not. 🙄

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In the spirit of “ less is more” this is Pulitzer material.

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