"I’m... Dr. Bill Bolin."

Such a red flag. Doctor of what, I wonder?

Not an M.D., by all evidence on medical questions.

Not a PhD, by all literary evidence. (I have an earned one, at the low low cost my kids' inheritance and early-childhood emotional health.)

And no mention of it at https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-william-bolin-3677b314/ (Just an "MDiv equiv"; I have an MDiv too, but without equivalence or equivocation.)

But in my younger days, I do recall seeing an ad in the back of Rolling Stone, a mail-order service for diplomas....

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If you haven't already...read David French's article in The Atlantic. "The Southern Baptist Horror." Not just a few bad apples...but the whole orchard. It's posted today, May 23, 2022.

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Matt, two things: First, thanks for the Tim Alberta steer. As a largely unchurched Christian, I found it astonishing and sobering. Second, thanks for the Johnny Cash video. I’ve loved that rendition ever since I heard it on his last album (exceeded only by his cover of Nine Inch Nail’s “Hurt”), but didn’t know of the video. Powerful.

PS: You must live on YouTube when not fishing.

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Send him Father Rick's "Two kinds of people", tell him I bet I can guess which one you are, and tell him I offered to refund him for you...

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Oh, good one, Robert.

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Oh, my, yes! I don't know how those Limu Emu and Dough creators sleep at night. Not in the same league as Putin, of course.

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Or are they?

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The Austin Lounge Lizards sing a song titled maybe, "Jesus loves me but he can't stand you." Worth a listen if you have not heard it.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Matt Labash

I am so thankful to have found Slack Tide. Thank you!!!

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“Okay, so I got a little shirty with Pastor Bill. Am still working on this whole turn-the-other-cheek business.”

This reminded me of St. Augustine’s plea to God that he be made chaste, “but just not yet.” Likewise, you shouldn’t put away your boxing gloves. The pugilistic style suits you, and as you say, you have to stay in “game shape.” I value you in part as a polemicist, so if you need to indulge that urge, by all means do. You could even have a sub-section of Slack Tide devoted to giving those who ask for it their comeuppance. You could call it Tidal Basin (a shoutout to Fannie Foxe causing Wilbur Mills such grief).

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Great suggestion. Or Matt could call it Subslack.

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You raise a good point, Dennis. Sometimes we just have to accept who we are.

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Fannie & Wilbur...now there's a blast from the past. Ahhh...the good ol' days.

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I'm feeling contrarian today. I can understand why you feel the need to castigate religious hypocrites. Yet, I try to follow Matthew 7:5: “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.”

I think that you were overtaken with a fit of snark. You should have let the pastor’s comments ride. I would have thought that the response from your “bully” pulpit wasn’t worth the effort, though applauded by the commentors. After all, you were citing a second-hand source.

Johnny Cash singing “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” might have been sufficient. Great song.

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Well, Mike, you can feel however you like. Except:

A. I pretty fully outlined/confessed my own hypocrisy. So that's not really a catch.

B. He came to me. Sometimes, I let it pass. But sometimes, when someone comes into my house and begs for a smack, I'll give them what they're asking for. So you're wasting your tears on him. I ain't perfect and don't pretend to be. In fact, I wrote that. But he also got what he deserved. If he wants to snow his own congregants, that's on him. But if he tries to do it here, that ain't gonna turn out well.

At least you're right about Johnny Cash, though.

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Smacking, Schmacking - give me Johnny Cash any day and I’m happy, though I’m not adverse to poking the bear, especially when I understand very little of what various evangelicals are thinking these days…and why. Your pieces were enlightening. But really hard to compete with the man in black.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Matt Labash

Well stroked

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Look, we all know that there's really only one way to solve this disagreement, so let's all say it together:


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I'm thinking Fight Club.

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Maybe a loser-leaves-town cage match?

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My money's on you stayin' put.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Matt Labash

The clarity of your writing make your columns very compelling and fun to read. I love your ability to point out how wrong headed someone is while still being respectful (with a little poke in their eye). Thanks for your hard work.

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You rock!

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

Good thing you sent out a newsletter on this or I would have missed out! I’m not familiar with the evangelical church as I’m Catholic and I am happy to say I’ve never had a priest “get political” during his homily. I love that you posted a photo of the Gemstones, the best comedy out there right now. 🤣

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We are in agreement on the Gemstones, BikerChick. Danny McBride is a minor deity in my house. And Edi Patterson (Judy Gemstone) is a comic genius.

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Outstanding, Matt. You are fearless. And brilliant. Thank you for speaking up so thoughtfully, convincingly and with the gentleness a Christian brother would extend to a follower who had lost his way. We have seven Spiritual Works of Mercy in the Catholic faith and one of them is 'Admonish the sinner.' Bolin's sin is his pride and taking him down a peg was in his own best interest.

Plus, I am going fly fishing Sunday. My first try. Wish me luck. I will consider it a success if I don't fall in.

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Yeah, Susan, don't float your hat. Matt already did a story about chasing his down a river. Have a great time!

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

Thank you, my friend. I'll try to stay upright. I don't know if this matters but all I have is a pair of rubber Wellies. No waders. We'll see how it goes.

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So...uh, how cold is the water where you're headed?

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

It's Ohio and we've had an uncommonly cold and rainy spring so . . . Should probably bring a change of clothes.

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Back when I used to fish the rivers of northern lower MI pretty regularly I usually did. Those waters stayed pretty cold on into early summer. And a 3- or 4-hour drive home in soggy clothes was never an interesting proposition for me. Was lucky in that I got a little 'damp' on a few occasions, but never totally drenched. Like an 'old timer' I used to know said about being 'prepared' when it came to outdoor pursuits a good distance from home or other resources...Go loaded for bear, and if only a skunk shows up, count yourself lucky.

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Great advice. I will bring something cozy just in case.

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Hot damn, that's great! Yeah, try not to fall in. Doing so tends to spook the fish. Good luck, Susan.

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