Matt, I think you waste too much time trying to write a cogent argument to the Q Anon crowd.

I would just reply something "could you give some more on that, and some references, I'm trying to get some discernment on this?".

They love people trying to discern things.

And if they answer do it again.

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One has to wonder in bewilderment at the greater fools now rallying to Trump's latest cries of "Protest, Protest, Protest [to save me from going to prison]" after he let all of the J6 "protestors" go to prison and didn't lift a finger help them. As they rot in Gitmo-wannabe for a couple of years, the Great Pumpkin is dining on chocolate cake -- "the best chocolate cake ever" -- and an ice-cold Pepsi after a game of golf on a sunny day at Mar-a-Lago where his prison fools are decidedly not invited and never will be as he and his would consider them nothing but Riff-raff. In spite of his obvious disregard for those who rioted on his behalf, new fools are lining up to block the streets and riot again on his behalf. What a pack of idiots who will certainly deserve the additional arrests that come their way since they know that, once again, Trump will never lift a finger to help them because he is only about himself. You won't see any of his own funds going to their criminal defense. Biggest idiots I've ever seen.

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Three words..."current professional reptile."

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LOL I agree.

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Matt--I don't know if you read his newsletter, or not, but JVL was saying last week that Bon Jovi was the greatest rock band ever...Thoughts?

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I love JVL. I recommend his newsletter to everyone. I read it myself, religiously. He's an old friend and colleague of mine from the Weekly Standard. JVL is (almost) always right. But he couldn't be more wrong about Bon Jovi. They're not only not the greatest band of all-time. They're not even the greatest rock band from New Jersey. Not to mention, they were so overplayed in the eighties, I still can't listen to them. To my mind, their biggest musical achievement was Richie Sambora marrying Heather Locklear in her prime.

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Too bad he’s always right. He needs to be whipped for his sins against the E Street Band and their Second Jesus, who sits at the right hand of Our Father Who Aren’t In Heaven. IMHO

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LOL my take, exactly! I was an old Weekly Standard reader, now I go to The Bulwark religiously.

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I say we forgive him, due to his unparalleled record of sound thinking and wise pronouncements on all other matters. We just won't let him DJ our high school reunion.

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Great writing. I still feel like s**t. Dinah Washington,also, does a fine version of‘Stormy Monday ‘.

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All I can really say is thanks for making my head hurt.

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If this doesn't speak to our conscience, we deserve what we get.

“Blood grows hot, and blood is spilled. Thought is forced from old channels into confusion. Deception breeds and thrives. Confidence dies, and universal suspicion reigns. Each man feels an impulse to kill his neighbor, lest he be first killed by him. Revenge and retaliation follow. And all this … may be among honest men only. But this is not all. Every foul bird comes abroad, and every dirty reptile rises up. These add crime to confusion.”

Abraham Lincoln,

letter to the Missouri abolitionist

Charles D. Drake, 1863

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I never saw this letter before.

Thank you for bringing it forward to us

at this time in our history

when what Lincoln saw then

is happening again

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Thank you once again, Matt, for making me chuckle while we work our way through this mess

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Bright (and musical) spot in a day of too much serious reading. Missed the Nobel, maybe there will be a Grammy nomination in the future.

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Sigh, I can only sigh.

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Thanks buddy!

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I kid because I love. But hate to inform you that you're wrong. Am not saying it's the worst atrocity committed in American history. Yes, the Trail of Tears and a hundred other things were much worse. But it is by far the worst atrocity perpetuated by a modern American president against our hallowed republic. Worse than Watergate. Worse than intern blowjobs in the Oval. Consider everything he did before Jan. 6, and everything he's done after, as well as the day itself. It really is The Big Lie. That's not just an MSNBC talking point. And if it was just a crazy ex-president talking, that'd be one thing. But he's made at least half the party elite complicit (and yes, I am using the word elite, since he and his minions still control the party - and he's still the frontrunner for 2024). Which is why they marched right back into Congress after the invasion and voted to overturn the election - most of them not even believing there was widespread fraud - when the shit stains weren't even dry on their pants. So yeah, if you want "unbiased" talk about that day, you might have to go elsewhere for that. Because I remember what happened, know what I saw (it was broadcast for many hours over live TV), and therefore am pretty biased.

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Well, Matt, there really are some occasions in life when being biased is perfectly acceptable. I myself am a bit biased towards liberal democracy, honoring election results and the peaceful transition of power. Also, I sort of prefer truth over lies when it comes to the sort of important stuff.

So, I'll see your "pretty biased". And raise you two pissed-offs and a dose of scorn and contempt for those choirboys and their leader. And all the rest involved in J6 top to bottom, side to side, inside and out, past and present. And by present, I mean anyone involved in perpetuating the lies, either in words or through their knowing silence, and whitewashing the events of that day and all the days after.

That's a lot of pissed-offs, scorn and contempt. You may have to take my marker on this one, since I haven't checked the balance in my mad-money account of late. But I assure you that I'm good for it.

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Bringin' the heat.

You have to be cruel to be kind.

Thanks for that.

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Matt, when will you stop! This bullshit needs to stop! Was the riot wrong, yes! Was it the worst in our history, not even in the top 100!

Stop trying to make a bullshit non armed riot into a major league event! You need to search what an insurrection is, what the words you are using really mean and call it what it was a nothing burger! Slavery, Trail of tears, WW1 & 2, no stoping the Holocausts sooner, Jim Crow, etc, etc. etc. are just the tip of the iceberg of our failures not this bullshit Trump riot!

Our politicians suck, our media sucks, and you are starting to suck. Who the hell knows who to believe. Each side offers proof via videos and media reports that dispute each other. Can I get one son of a bitch to give me anything unbiased!

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Obective reality? Objective history?

Then Santa is real and yesterday I saw a unicorn farting rainbows.

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Here’s something unbiased: you’re an idiot. You’re welcome.

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So you're off the meds again?

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I have watched hours of the terror that was Jan 6th. I am utterly certain that had the mob of terrorists found Pelosi or Pence they would not have survived. Trump viewed this rabble favorably because they were waving Trump flags, Maggat hats, and screaming, " stop the steal." as loud as possible. He would not call them off as long as they stood a chance. Now we see these same treasonous faces in prison garb "singing" the National Anthem with their treasonous leader voicing over the Pledge of Allegiance. I noticed he stumbled a bit at the word God, probably wanting to say Trump. If one needs more evidence of Trumps treason, this little video clip should do it. Do we even want to wake up?

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How many USD's would it take for you to sell out your country?

Don't ask Rupert Murdoch and his cadre of evening clowns for direction. They have no idea. They're making billions and they haven't stopped yet.

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Lying is the only art form the public sanctions but prefers, instinctively, to reality. This is a near quote by Jean Cocteau. There is so much truth in this statement, about the nature of man, it is nearly personally painful. Tucker Carlson, that odious pecksniff, attempting to overwrite the riot as a nice stroll by a crowd of enthusiasts for the process of election certification, should be tarred and feathered and made to read a series of truthful statements on the news.

I find the small, excessively noise, minority of Americans who are still defending Trump and his inmates, to be rather invigorating. They are getting down to numbers that can be easily entered into a database and tracked online. If you think the huge federal data centers, employing tens of thousands of people are not busy following the treasonous among us, I think you are delusional. And sooner or later treason will be a crime suddenly punished as in the olden days. This happens when political disagreement turns into Jan 6th. Keep it up Prison Chorus and Trump. Keep it up.

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“odious pecksniff” - love that - I’m using that on the golf course this weekend - thx RR!

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Sounds more fun than using a mashie niblick.

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