Further to the point I made earlier with you on mask effectiveness.


N95: yes. Anything else: virtually pointless unless you just want to "feel" like you're doing something.

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Missed the why thing. Like JVL, detest Gorka, mask writing spot on

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Man I missed the show! This is why we can’t have anything nice.

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Damn Matt, I see the crazies have arrived. They really don't get sarcasm, irony or nuance, do they? It is so binary with them. 'It must be this or that and if it isn't this or that then it's the other or nothing or everything'. Although I have relatives like this, I have really enjoyed your articles. Forget the crazies and just know that I will continue to enjoy your writing. ALSO . . . I am a PAYING customer! Tee-HEE.

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Thank you kindly, Terri. You nailed it, my friend. I don't mind some extra attention when I write something semi-controversial (emphasis on semi - because I was basically just saying be a good friend and neighbor, and quit being a belligerent a-hole). And I don't mind push-back when people disagree with me, either. The Wrestling Match is what makes America great. And I'm generally a live-and-let-live kind of guy, so I let the axe-grinding nuts run wild in my comments section and hump their covid-denial conspiracy theories for a good 24 hours. Those comments are still here if you need to read them, other than the hooligans I had to bounce for being abusive, threatening, or whatever else. But ultimately, this is my free speech zone. I'm the mayor, governor, and president, here. If they want to start a Substack at FauciIsMengele.com, they're welcome to do so. Let a thousand flowers bloom, or wilt, in their case. Otherwise, I'm cutting this particular comments section off for paid subscribers only. So they can pay me if they want to insult me. Or if you're already a paying customer, I'll grandfather your insults in. I'm not unreasonable. But it's time to separate the wheat from the chaff, as my preacher used to say. I don't have time to swat 300 flies, who are reading what they want the piece to say, instead of what it actually says. Professional trolls can go pound sand in someone else's sandbox. There's plenty of alternatives.

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Thank you!

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I guess this is what happens when--metaphorically speaking--Matt baits his hook with COVID stats. Or something. Hilarity ensues.

Things look much quieter on the other side of that there paywall.

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It's astounding the efforts people will go to convince, coerce, and or force others to do something in the case of this pandemic, whilst at the same time being lethargically inept when it comes to lifestyle changes that will allow one to survive not just covid, but lower ones cancer risk, prevent diseases, and increase longevity. Antibiotics/Overcrowding in factory farming? Only a small subset of people care. Added sugar (inflammation) in everything? Only a small subset of people care. A nationwide lack of exercise? Only a small subset of people care. These three occurrences being changed would reduce not just covid deaths, but also the deaths caused by diabetes, heart disease, cancer, antibiotic-resistant infections and more, but once again only a small subset of people care. If I go out of my way to lead the healthiest life possible, why should I have to wear a mask, to prevent the spread of an illness a vaccine is available for?

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CDC already said that 6% of claimed covid deaths were actually from covid.

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See https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/death-rate We're about where we were in 1990 (annual deaths per 1000). You can plug in years in the top-left boxes. Note the annual % change YoY in the bottom graph.

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Being on a ventilator in ICU is the same as listening to Xmas music. You poor soul, having to suffer so much trying to catch your next histrionic breath.

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In the past two years the US had had 1.2 million deaths due to cancer.

That’s just two years!

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Except that cancer's been around forever, and Covid got here about five minutes ago. And you can't catch cancer from somebody breathing on you.

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You obviously haven't worked a blue-collar job in an environment with no AC, surrounded by chain smokers.

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In order to make a proper comparison, you need to have the correct denominators. Covid deaths in the USA = 788,000. USA population = 334,000,000. Covid caused 0.2% of the deaths. Grossly, the Covid deaths are greater, but the percentages are different. 16,000,000 Americans served (not all of those fought, so were not at risk of death) in WW2. 291,000 died. WW2 killed 1.8% of the Americans who fought. The Civil War killed 7% of those who served. The point is, you're not comparing apples to apples, and your statistical analysis is way off. The total number is greater, but the risk of death is much less with Covid. Statistics are being used to scare the masses,

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So by your own numbers, covid has killed 1 out of 423.8 people. Talk about whatever percentages you want, that's a ton of people.

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bullshit. those covid death numbers are false and you know it. 90% or more of the "covid" deaths had a comorbidity that would have taken their life within 6 months.

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That is a lot of people, which I'm certain I did not deny. To have meaningful comparisons, though, percentages must be compared. The percentages allow us to put that in perspective. A journalist ought to recognize that statistics can be misleading if not responsibly used.

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That's ridiculous . You're making your own rules for what can be compared. WHo says it has to be percentages? And the piece didn't say here is an apples-to-apples comparison. Here's exactly what it says: "it might be worth considering that COVID has now killed more Americans than did the combat deaths in every single war America has ever fought COMBINED, from both World Wars to the Civil War to Vietnam and Korea right down to the invasion of Grenada (666,441 total combat deaths vs. 787,695 COVID deaths)." Sorry, dude, but that's just a statement of fact. And it's a staggering number when you consider that covid has only been around for a little while. What are the combined years of all those wars? While you're comparing percentages.

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First off, I didn't make the rules for statistical analysis. When epidemiologists study disease numbers, they always compare the deaths (or whatever end point they're studying) with those who are susceptible to contracting the disease. Same thing with war. The death number is more statistically meaningful if you know how many were even at risk of dying in said war. Anyone can disagree with that idea, but no one educated in statistical analysis will pay them any mind.

Lastly, not really worth a detailed explanation, but a person cannot compare years to percentages.

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Again, you're trying to make your own rules to thumb the scales. "How many people were at risk of dying in a war" has literally nothing to do with it. The point that was getting made wasn't that people are more at risk of dying from covid than dying in a war. So that whatever the risk of dying in a war is is statistically irrelevant. The point is so many people have died of covid, that it surpasses all the people who've died of combat deaths in the entire history of American warfare. Which most people would not have guessed. It puts a staggering number in context. It's not saying they are the same thing.

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So what if they U.S. annualized death rate, per 1000 people, hasn't change significantly in the past 30 years? https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/death-rate

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You’re comparing teens and 20 somethings who lost their entire life to 80 year old boomers who feared and cowered their entire lives, especially death.

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Bad math bad article. MrNasty is the image of the beast in the bible.

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Matt where did you get your math education?

-The civil War "alone" is 618,222. 360,222 from the North and 258,000 from the South, this comes form the Civil War museum at Gettysburg.

-Defense Casualty Analysis System notes 58,220 deaths in Vietnam

-WWI American deaths: 116,516, source Smithsonian.

-World War II- 405,399: source Smithsonian.

- Greek Civil War 1944–1949: 06: source Smithsonian.

-Chinese Civil War 1945–1950: 164 source Smithsonian.

-Korea -36,913. ABC news


Keep in mind I also kept out the 'WARS" you did: American Revolution, War of 1812, French and Indian War, Spanish American War, American Indian Wars.

Where did you get your numbers? R/

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You should've gotten one of those sources to show you how hyperlinks work. He already showed you where he got the numbers. It's in the piece. Right here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_casualties_of_war Let me help you read it. Go to the bottom of the page and there are 666,441 combat deaths. Right next to it, there are 673,929 "other" deaths, which according to the page "include all non-combat deaths." Add those up, and they come out to 1,354,664 deaths. But he was only counting combat deaths. So sorry, American Historian. And the much larger point that you're missing is that no matter how many war deaths you count, covid is a crap-ton of deaths!

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His source is wikipedia. It is inaccurate. WWII military deaths alone, should be over 400k. According to Smithsonian and the National WWII museum.

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While we're talking about killing, it is a known scientific fact that silver and copper each kills bacteria and most viruses (to include COVID) on contact. I have a copper infused mask that (based on pure science) outperforms all others.

Most MD's, pollical leadership, and talking heads (MSM) ignore science.

Then there are the many cheap drugs that wipe out COVID, again ignored by MDs, MSM, and pollical leadership.

I can't believe the afore mentions people so da-- dumb. Or are they just out for power and the almighty dollar?

Google the topic. And see


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It’s why you aren’t a doctor and they are. Septic infections and Covid aren’t the same thing. Not even the same universe of disease.

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But I am quoting doctors in the real world. And by the way, our MSM is made up of real doctors.

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studdd prose again buddy!

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The Spanish Flu, if it killed 675,000 Americans, killed .006553 of the population of 103,000,000 in 1918. Covid, based on the death count in this article and American population estimates for today, killed .002377 of the population. Populations change over time. Proportionality in this case is more important than pure numbers of people. Meaning in a much more urbanized and interconnected society, covid still caused a much lower deaths per capita and is likely to do so, even looking at the next years ahead. Of course the covid pandemic death toll was tampered down with the vaccine, but in consideration of all points in this article, if the vaccine does indeed save lives, are we still to wear masks forever? If you choose perhaps, but most do not.

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Poor research on US war deaths that a simple Google search would have cleared up...

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