Loved that song, and especially the "easter eggs"I wouldn't have noticed without you pointing it out ( except maybe Bill singing...lol), whom I love and nice voice. Loved the lead singers voice, never heard him before

Yeah, a lot of damage has been done to the message and the point...but, I can at least fight to keep it in my own heart and celebration...this is my favorite time of year...and I always feel the love and give it as much as I can.

Wish I could post a pic of my Christmas Tree which I am very proud of...lol

My house looks like Santa's workshop..wall to wall Christmas with many of my collectibles related to Christmas...young children are impressed, a lot of adults find the "business" ( not clutter...lol) overwhelming though. My one cat loves to lay under the tree and rest his head on one of the manger pieces as he sleeps...he stole the baby Jesus once and moved it across the room for some reason...lol

Merry Christmas and Peace and Love always

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Great piece Matt. I Enjoyed every word as I looked up at my wife’s blue Bud Light Can ornament and the “F### 2020” ornament our son made on a 3D printer at work. Tacky has its place on every Christmas tree.

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I have a spider made out of pipe cleaners that I put on the back of the tree and refer to as my "tree spider"...lol...

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Can't believe that an entire news article was made surrounding a Christmas Ornament. Trump still reigns in these people's heads.

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"TDS.......living rent free in their heads." Do you Trump zombies get paid by the cliche? If so, you've probably almost saved up enough money to get your doctorate in unoriginal thinking from Trump University.

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Yes, we do. $25 per cliche. You mean that the left shills for free? Idiots.

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Just one problem. Trump University is another poorly run, out of business institution that Trump ran into the ground.

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He charges them tent to have him live there in their heads.

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Is English your first language?

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I always love the cliches that people use to defend Trump. Rather than talk about his record, one that includes trillions more in debt, more gun control, the inability to lead Republicans to repeal Obamacare, etc, MAGA supporters resort to the cliches.

Yes Trump should live in our heads. As he without hestitation told Dianne Feinstein after the Las Vegas shootings, he was more than willing to walk all over due process rights and give the federal government authority to "take the guns."

Those dangerous words and his actions thereafter that included getting his Obama pen out and banning bump stocks (good luck with your magazines and certain ammo) and then signing FIX NICS, should live in your head too and be enough to ensure you don't consent by vote to be governed by this liberal come 2024.

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How much "tent" does he charge them?

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Yes he does. The taxes taken out of my paycheck constantly remind me how Trump and the GOP have lost their way as $8 trillion in new debt was created with Trump's approval in four short years. So don't you forget, when you see more and more taken out of your check, the Republicans sold out fiscal conservatism and your children and grandchildren will be paying for all that Trump branded socialist redistribution of wealth (stimulus checks for an example) long after you are gone.

Yes, Obama's $9 trillion in eight years was bad too...

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Glad I never voted for such an ignorant sociopath.

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It's supposed to be "RINO." Is the "h" for "hysterical" on your end?

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What does the H stand for?

If you get rid of the RINOs, Donald "take the guns" Trump and his $8 trillion dollars in new federal debt he signed into law, along with his redistribution of wealth stimulus checks that took from taxpayers making more than $75,000 a year to give out like Bernie Sanders in a candy store to those making less than $75,000 a year would be force to rejoin his lifelong party the Democrats where he once frequently partied with Bill and Hillary--you know when Ivanka and Chelsea were friends growing up...

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My mother's office has gone from a place to celebrate great Americans like Ronald Reagan to a cesspool of Trump merchandise including a gold Trump bronze bust. She is well into her 1970s, and this wasted wealth of this stuff that will be worth nothing after she leaves this earth will quickly be thrown in the garbage.

I am from the old school conservative arm of the Republican party where we handed out "character matters" bumper stickers to bring to light the Clinton ethos of adultery and lies. Now the GOP celebrates men like this as long as they have the magic R behind their name. It even came out in sworn testimony Trump flew on Epstein's airplane this past week and she still dares not question the Trump ethos despite calling Clinton a pig for acting in a similar manner.

So literally thousands of dollars of this crap will find its way to the trash heap eventually. She told me the other day she would really like to get back into the routine of getting back into chruch. I told her that would be good. Then she says well it's so hard to get back into the routine.

I wanted to tell her stop decorating your office with golden calves to celebrate your earthly king, turn off OAN, Newsmax, and Fox News, and put the effort into it that you give to Trump. I know my wife would have made it a long drive home had I said that, so I bit my tounge.

Is it any wonder the reason for the season is being replaced by a celebration of Trump and his material possessions like his airplane and towers? It's sad really. I guess that's why I wasn't surprised when I saw a viral video of MAGA supporters in a church yelling "let's go Brandon."

Mike Judge was right in his movie "Idiocracy." Today it's Bradon, but soon these people will drop the F bomb. I am already having to explain to young children what the "F Biden" flags mean. I remember when we conservatives railed against the left for introducing such language and concepts to our young children. Conservatism and decency has been dropped in exchange for Trump.

Trump didn't save America in four years. Heck, he didn't even lead his party to repeal Obamacare.

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There is a guy who must have the same work schedule as me, because every day going home I see him in his big black truck with the "F Biden" flag...sigh

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Not only do I feel your pain, Bungalow, on the Let's-Go-Brandon-in-Church business, I actually wrote about it: https://mattlabash.substack.com/p/jesus-wept

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Thanks for examing that. This is the first time I have read your stuff as I came here today from Drudge. I am headed there now.

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Maybe the real war on Christmas is the seeming possibility, Jesus is being replaced in the season for all things Trump.

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Jesus was replaced a long time before Trump. If anything, Trump is displacing Santa Claus. And anyone of supposed faith who replaces Jesus with Trump, or anyone else, wasn't really a person of faith to begin with.

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As a Libertarian who never voted for the failed game show host, an outsider looking in if you will, you have severe TDS. You've fully bought in to the propaganda the left sells. You're no better than the lunatics who will be adorning their Christmas trees with silver and Trump gold.

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You sound super objective yourself. You're a Libertarian. Ask Gary Johnson to slide you some medical weed. It might relax you a bit.

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What propaganda? That he pushes overpriced internet chintz on gullible supporters? Or that he's a sore loser who refuses to accept the will of the people in a democratically held election that 60 plus courts and scores of Republican election officials in swing states say is legit after numerous recounts? Neither are propagandistic statements. Just statements of fact. Based off of what comes right out of his mouth on a daily basis. Sure you're not Ivanka? Wait, you couldn't be. She knows he lost, too: https://nypost.com/2021/09/15/ivanka-trump-told-dad-to-drop-election-fraud-claims-book/

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I agree. Trump knows his fans will easily depart with their hard earned dollars in their need to serve their earthly king. A free people should not be this dedicated to the need to be led.

I bet Trump is making more money now using the presidency to sell his crap than he ever did when these people didn't have a need for his Trump brand of business clothing and accessories that were made in China.

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According to the (failing) New York Times, he raised 207.5 million in the first month after the election alone. God only knows how much another year's worth of scare-mongering has brought in. Turns out, losing was good for business. And pretending you didn't lose, even better.

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You have to love that as people and business are moving out of New York City, Trump Tower has been no exception to the losses. Trump has filled those places with numerous political organizations he has formed that allows him to take the donation money from the MAGA crowd and cleanly transfer it to wealth as he charges these MAGA political organizations rent space in places like Trump Tower. If he never runs again, which is likely, he has created a nice little profitable nest. Considering how bad he has been in other endeavors from casinos, to pro sports, to even real estate, he finally found something that makes money the easy way. He will exploit it.

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Hey, that's politics. If you don't think they're all not finding creative ways to capitalize off the American taxpayer then you're crazy. They go in the door piss poor and leave it uber wealthy. That money's gotta come from somewhere. Look at AOC who one year was a struggling bartender and now is probably more wealthy than both of us combined. It's the nature of the beast and yet we keep electing the same people that are robbing us blind year after year after year. So, who are the real fools - the people who play the game or the people who keep paying the to play it? That's exactly why the Federal government was designed specifically not to do 90% of what it does today. Whenever you consolidate that much power into one place you're going to have problems. A good half of these federal agencies need to go away and put those jobs back at the state levels where they belong. When the Federal Government is the largest employer in the nation, we've let things go on for far too long.

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Those ornaments are hard to get. Is there a link to where to buy one in stock?

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The Trump ornament? Yes. Try www.ILikeOverPayingForCheapCrapMadeInChina.com

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Damn, that link is so popular it must've crashed.

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I stopped one of these instant Trump stores set up in a parking lot in a trailer. For all this talk of America first and the evil of China, that trailer sure sold a lot of MAGA merchandise with the Made in China tag.

Apparently, the MAGA cult, like Trump, enjoy giving the Chinese economy a boost despite the rhetoric. When I asked the owner why this stuff wasn't made in America, he got defensive. Figures...

I always thought it was ironic when the Trump stimulus checks went out there was on obvious run at Chinse built big screen TVs at Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, and Best Buy those weeks. Observing the people at Sam's Club, some of them with up to five TVs in their truck after those checks went out, Trump's stimulus checks weren't issued to help Main Street or he would have waited until Main Street opened back up. That money quickly found its way to China.

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Where the hell can you buy 5 big screen TVs for less than $600. You're full of it.

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Did someone say stock as in the Trump banned bump stock? Thank goodness for Gun Owners of America standing up for our gun rights as MAGA clearly slept.

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Christmas came early with all the hits via Drudge!

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Article written by a TDS long hauler...

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Really stellar argument there, Someone. Is that the best you guys can come up with over on the Gateway Pundit forum?

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Trump Derangement Syndrome definition: A malady invented by Trumpsters to feebly attempt to discredit anyone who criticizes the obvious.

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I believe TDS is really Trump denial syndrome. The clear fact Trump supporters can't recoginize that Trump didn't drain a swamp, didn't build the wall he promised, didn't protect their gun rights, didn't cut government spending, and in the end handed out money (redistributed wealth) like he was Bernie Sanders in a candy store.

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What if you had explosive diarrhea on a constant basis and complained about it every now and again. Would you have several comments come on here and say “DDS much??”

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TDS much??

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So original. You sound like "Someone" above. Or maybe they sound like you. The point is you all sound alike.

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Trump did say he loves the uneducated. He has conditioned his cult of followers to repeat talking points and clever phrases, but critical thinking isn't a common theme with these people who haven't figured out Trump's policies, espeically in his last year in office, just enslaved them with $8 trillion in more debt.

As someone who was part of the Tea Party, I am curious why my other fellow Tea Party members don't get offended to the amount of debt produced in four short years of Trump like they did with the eight years of Obama.

I guess all they have is TDS to address my concern that like Obama, Trump just helped cement my status as an American tax slave who will forver watch the fruit of my labor go to pay the interest on the outrageous spending produced by both parties.

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And where is the Tea Party today?

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Tell me what part of Trump telling Dianne Feinstein he supports walking all over due process rights to give the federal government the power to "take the guns" did you agree with? Just curious for the ones who hold Trump to the same standards we held Obama too.

Does TDS include holding Trump accountable to protecting the Second Amendment after he got his Obama pen out and banned bump stocks and signed FIX NICS into law. Funny thing about those January 6 rioters, they will soon learned the Trump backed FIX NICS law will have a negative long-term impact on their ability to purchase new firearms.

If you claim that's TDS, it must be... LOL

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Matt do you search for Trump-leaning newsletters and angrily try to convince subscribers in the comments section that Trump was/is bad? I bet you don’t. Why do trolls umm…. freeloading….sorry non-paying users feel the need to waste their energy here?

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You don't need newsletters to know Trump was bad. Obamacare is still the law, we are $8 trillion deeper in debt, and we got more gun restrictions put on us at Trump's demand.

Were you too busy crying "fake news' to notice?

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Sadness......loneliness......denial. And to answer your first question, no, I don't.

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I’m surprised the Trump junk hucksters haven’t adopted the “only four easy payments of $29.95 plus shipping and handling” you see in Sunday newspaper ads.

If Ralph Nader was running again he could peddle a Corvair ornament.

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I never thought I'd miss Ralph Nader. But here we are.......

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No evidence for this, but I think the Fox tree roast was an inside job--Smolletized, as it were.

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As someone who used to watch Fox News and get pulled into by the drama of it, espeically in the evening hours, I realize the entire goal of Fox News is to create a knee jerk reaction to pull viewers in like any entertainment outlet. Clearly entertainment is that many Americans want as reality TV is now the norm in the GOP from Trump to Gaetz to Greene to Boebert.

I remember seeing a video of Marjorie Taylor Greene, a grown adult, chasing down a high school kid and calling the kid out for supporting the same red flag gun laws Trump is on record calling for as well. Fox skimped over the latter when Trump called for red flag gun laws, but Taylor Greene sure gets a lot of press for her stunts. Of course, it went mostly ignored when Taylor Greene's Republican challenger in the primary had to remind her Trump was on record for supporting the same red flag laws David Hogg supported.

The need to rush in front of Fox News cameras is what now passes off as Republican party leadership. Reality TV...

But when Thomas Massie expressed concerns for a $2 trillion COVID spending packages being fast tracked in the House, Donald Trump resorts to Twitter threatening to kick him out of the GOP for you know--being fiscally conservative.

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Judge Jeanine! She loves to play with matches.

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Following Christmas, and your bank statement comes in, you review it and see the $75 you paid for the ornament. And America is no better because you bought it. It's then you realize what a sucker you've been, and you made Trump just a little bit richer.

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These people would be laughed out of Mar-A-Lago if they dared show up in hopes of staying there. Trump wouldn't want these lower middle class to lower class Americans on his exquisite properties.

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For what it's worth, I have seen Biden and Kamala Christmas tree ornaments, in fire engine red North Dakota, no less. Not surprisingly, these were sold in a cutesy downtown boutique that carried an eclectic variety of lifestyle accessories for smug BoBos, middlebrow feminist poetry books, overpriced soaps and teas and kitchen stuff. Class signaling, how does it work?

I don't know whether anyone was buying.

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They all sell chachkies. And why not? If people want them, sell them. It amazes me that someone wrote a 42000 word article about it. Russia is on the verge of invading Ukraine...again, and the biggest news of the day that Matt whatever his name is writes about is a Trump ornament. Investigative journalism at its finest. He would have been better served writing about why his own industry is in the tank.

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And to think, America fought a war against royalty and this need to bow down and celebrate such...

Now we want images and idols of our elected king to pollute the holiday that we celebrate the birth of Christ.

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