"Mostly, Conservative", Anyone's Ass!

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It is a different time. I met a friend's girlfriend prior to the election, and when I would not immediately declare non-support for Orange Julius Caesar (eh . . . this is not as good as I thought, but it is relevant), she got up, walked out and stated she would not sit next to a Trump supporter (more steak for me, but still awkward). Now, back to Orange Julius Caesar and your father. Perhaps one of the things creating the new enmity is the language and the rock-solid assuredness not of wrongness of the other person but of their supreme dunderheadedness. Your father loves you, I am sure, but you have called him, necessarily, an ignoramus who supports a terrible, awful, treasonous lout. Were you to be a Biden supporter, it is possible he might call you a simpering, gutless supporter of a man who currently has Cream of Wheat pouring from his ears. And those are the kind of judgments that can survive relationships, but it takes forbearance, tact, a good sense of humor and perhaps if it gets to be too florid, an actual blood relationship. However, if either side could entertain the idea that both men are worthy (yes, two cretins worthy!) of support even with their debilitating features (because, after all, it is the policy, not the man, as the latter is normally some concoction anyway) and ghastly excesses, the pressure and acrimony may be alleviated.

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I should have ended this with "Fat chance."

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I think your father sounds like an incredible person, whom I would respect very much. It’s not easy to navigate these days with such widely divergent opinions on what’s right. But I indeed respect the person who can hold his tongue, not have to have the last word. Even if he feels convicted. When you described the sad ending of your 35 year friendship, with the “Trumpster” as you called him, it strangely sounded like you were gloating a bit, “stoking the fire and doing the war dance around it.” Is it really “fun to be right,” when friends give up on you because you cannot entertain an opposing view? I’m not sure you got that lesson. I mean no disrespect.

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No offense taken, Melissa. Though I think you have the wrong impression of how the friendship ended. They didn't give up on me because I couldn't "entertain an opposing view." I'm actually pretty good at that. This was about two months straight of 10 or 12 hectoring emails a day, intended to provoke combat, in which he was sending me stuff so crazy, it would make Alex Jones roll his eyes. It became a full-time job fact-checking him, for which I was not being paid. Even we tolerant types have our limits. And yet, I still didn't throw him over. It was the other way around........

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I think your father sounds like an incredible person, whom I would respect very much.

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I agree with your premise, but your TDS is showing. And branding people as uneducated people as ignorant truck drivers does not help. Believe me, the refusal to accept facts is not a one way street.

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Well intended and well written. The crux of the problem here (whether you choose to believe it or not), is that the "political differences" are beyond friendly debate. The evil and corruption we see is a spiritual problem and the current administration clearly hates America. It's not about his guy versus my guy. Platforms are alters and we've chosen to worship the dark side as a country. I'm hopeful this will change and will continue to love God, my neighbors, and even enemies. All said, I like the author's tone and sentiment. Hate and division never win. Writing people off solves nothing. And most of us are reasonable adults who should work harder to unify and ignore the fire-stoking MSM.

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Very well said. Even though my politics lean left, and yours lean right, there are truths on both "sides" and basic humanity in the middle which is what attaches us.

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Amen, sister.

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I agree with you and admire your sentiments about your dad and anyone who likes Johnny Cash, is a stand up guy!

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Thanks Sharon. Listen to his latter-years American Recordings, if you haven't. With Rick Rubin producing. . Some great albums. He sounds, in some of them, like a broken-down version of his old self. But that's interesting too. Gives his voice character, and a creaky Old Testament prophet quality I really like.

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Ok, I will and thanks!

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"But if every other sentence you utter ends in the refrain “liberal media bias,” it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re lying or wrong, just that you’re boring me to death over dinner. I get it. But that’s been settled law for decades. Try to be more interesting." Truth. Since I work in politics, people often think i'm interested in their political opinions. I'm not.

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You ought to make amends with your friend of 35 years.

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You're right, Steve. I tried, and it didn't work. But we'll try again later.......

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I so agree with you. I have family and friends I could wish to send to the moon, but I believe in grace and honor. As far as it depends on me, I will love my family, remain friends with my friends and live an honorable life. They know where I stand on politics and faith, and many of them disagree. And when they spew their angry views, I do not do the same. My chances of changing their minds are zero to none, so I let them make their own choices and love them anyway. Sometimes it's hard. Very hard. Sometimes I have to step away, take a deep breath and pray. It's not a world I would choose to live in, but it is the world I live in. I will not give up my beliefs, but, so as much as it depends on me, I will live peaceably with others and perhaps show the way for them to do the same.

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Wonderful comment, and wonderful approach to life. Many blessings to you.

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You are a wise person, Vivian.

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Matt, I guess you'll be making people laugh, all the way to the gulag. In my opinion, the life as we know and enjoy, in this country, may soon end. Only divine intervention will save it. This is serious, and not a laughing matter to me. Educate yourself.

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All the way to the gulag? Really, Ann? Come on, you don't even mean that. I'm giving you a pass.

Laughing at absurdity is not elective, it is essential. A society that has lost it's sense of humor about itself is lost. (Just ask Dave Chappelle.) We have, in large measure. So might ought to think about how to get that back.

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Great article. I believe the issues are more insidious that two parties squabbling. The design to keep us uninformed and arguing about non-issues is perfect. As Charlie Reese (retired journalist) states, 545 people running this so called democracy vs 300 million Americans sleepily, blindly, doing as they are told is akin to a B rated Mad Max movie. Eventually the bad guys (government) will be slayed by a few good guys (those with brains), but not until the world is a steaming pile of rubble. Unless, of course, we decide to wake up!

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You're probably right that we need to wake up. On the other hand, I really feel like a nap. America is exhausting right now.

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Yet another article by a "journalist" (a term that now automatically incites anger within me) complaining about how divided we have become by writing an article that will result in more of the very outcome he is complaining about.

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Or not. Not really what I was saying....... I was saying we can disagree without cutting off all the people in our lives who don't see it the same way. That's not hate or anger. That's just having a difference of opinion. What we used to do not all that long ago.

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Thank you for your article. Yes, we have to start reuniting as a country. I voted for Trump for a lack of a better options...and now I think that what we all need are new and younger politicians.

Still think that Covid is not a pandemic but a "plandemic" but my house is, and has always been open to those that disagree with me and want to see my pretty smile- I do not cover it and are lucky enough that has never been forced to do it because luckily I live in rural Georgia. I pray everyday that God helps us heal and protects future generations.

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I think he misses the point that there’s so much passion now because there’s so much more at stake today. These aren’t trivial, easy to fix or reverse issues being debated but fundamental ones impacting our democracy/voting, education, race relations, safety etc Not too long ago, sounds like, he was in a frenzy over Covid. Something that could directly, tangibly and immediately impact HIM. I guess to him everything else is just hypothetical or philosophical?

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