Two things leap to mind: 1) SCOTUS "interpreting" the Constitution. Reading into it and declaring things which are wholly absent from it (Roe v Wade). There are other extreme examples as well. 2) Mass media encouraging/supporting positions which are destructive of the very principles which made us the envy of the world--all for the mass media's profit. I was once as staunch an American Patriot as ever lived. Not so much over the last 15-25 years. Fix her? I don''t think this is possible. However, I do think an amicable split could be reached to avoid US civil War II and the loss of 10s of millions of lives. Our govt is, sadly, no more trustworthy than Russia's. Same goes for a large swath of our media... completely and irrevocably, untrustworthy. America's only hope is a great move of the Holy Spirit... resetting our media and govt moral compass.

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Sorry I couldn't get here in "real time" and participate, but I enjoyed reading the comments and all my favorites were here, I would call your experiment a resounding success.

( My personal opinion is that it is a lot of things , all of which were mentioned, and my Pollyanna response is: hope and the (sane) people, like those here will lead the return...and being civil in a forum..it is contagious...I have already seen it grow...)

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Hello Angie,

This campfire 🔥 is always open!

I just want to thank you

for all your affirmations.

They meant so much to me.

I have never participated

in a comments community before.

It was so encouraging

that you read and liked what I wrote.

It made me really happy! Thank you.

I agree with you that Matt's experiment

is a resounding success,

and on so many levels.

I believe all the building

we do here will have ripple effects,

and that we can all be part

of leading the return.



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You are more than welcome, I enjoy reading your posts, and thank you

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I would direct people reading this thread to the writings of Chris Ladd, of Political Orphans and before that, GOPLifer. He's written many pieces through the years, but a brief summary of his thoughts are as follows:

1. White privilege is very real in America, and confers on white Americans concrete, measurable, material benefits. Further, you don't have to support it, or even necessarily believe in it, in order to benefit from it.

2. White privilege has been something of a load-bearing member in the edifice of American democracy– a sort of "glue" holding parts of our society together by giving the people a unifying mythos. As a result, white privilege pervades things that most people don't even necessarily associate with race: public education, health care, union membership, religion and abortion, crime, the justice system, gainful employment, educational attainment, home ownership, home value, family net worth. In each of these areas, being white is (or used to be) either the most determinative factor or one of the most determinative factors in someone's success. And this is not a bug, but rather, a feature. Almost every single one of these items was set up to confer its greatest benefits on whites. That this is no longer the case, or that the reasons people continue to maintain this status quo no longer have anything to do with race is irrelevant. Racist systems set up by racist people for racist reasons can be maintained in perpetuity by non-racist people for non-racist reasons! In other words, the desire to discriminate may be gone, but if the system remains, it will continue to confer benefits on whites.

3. The last 40 years have eroded white privilege to the point that it is now in its death throes. Especially in large cities (and their suburbs) that have enjoyed all of the technological advancement and economic growth. White privilege's most ardent adherents are yesterday's winners and tomorrow's losers!

4. This has caused a huge chasm between urban and rural areas, as well as college educated people and everyone else. Since urban and college educated Americans no longer have any use for white privilege, they are no longer bound by it. They're leaving it behind, and in doing so, are "sawing off the rungs" of the socio-economic ladder to which working class and rural Americans have been clinging. This has caused the latter group to deeply resent and distrust the former.

5. But for all of its virtues in ending the white privilege paradigm, multicultural meritocracy has offered no new unifying mythos to replace the one that it eroded. So we're left with two factions: on the right, a Neo-Confederate cult that worships at the altar of white privilege, standing athwart the steam roller of modernity, yelling, "Stop" and willing to burn everything to the ground, in order to lord of the rubble if necessary; and on the left, a coalition of everyone else, trying to cobble together, among their members, a majority large enough to take power and govern.

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I grew up white and middle/upper class. Back when I was in my 30s (late 50s now), I drove through a poor black neighborhood on my way to pick something up from a warehouse. That was a slap in the face for me. I remember thinking that, if I had grown up here, I wouldn't have gone to college or gotten the good jobs that flowed from that. For me, college was no big deal - just the next step. And, of course, my parents paid for it.

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Dang! I never knew you were a Tuvan throat singer. Let me know when you visit SW CO and we can sing Tuva to the trout. Works best on the Animas or small creeks. I’m a reverse snob regarding the San Juan below the reservoir. I’m mostly only using the Kargyraa, the bird whistle/nasal/head style- Sygyt escapes me. Tuvan is very visceral. C’mon out man!

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022

Maybe it was slavery? Seems like you never really got over it. Without it the USA would certainly be a more homogeneous society.

Or maybe it was greed? The love of money is a root of all evil, as the Bible says.

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powerful questions

am pondering them

you are right

that we never really got over it

John Brown's Body

the masterpiece

by Stephen Vincent Benet

remains a beacon calling us

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America is not broke!! It’s beginning structures, with the benefit of hindsight, had some large holes and what could one expect given that the whole effort was to create the world’s largest democracy ever!! Even today the premises of our Bill of Rights underlies that which we seek become! Our current tensions can be seen as a much needed opportunity to continue the work needing to be done to realize America’s dream.

Of course then this all takes place in the stew of human fears sustained by the old hindbrain. We are lucky to have gotten this far.

Onward through the fog! Greg

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Amen! America ain't broke!

Hell, we've hardly begun.

If we wanna get our mojo back

read what John Adams wrote

about celebrating the 4th of July

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Agreed! One quibble- the bill of rights is written so that it is nobody’s business what a citizen chooses to become

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So true! It seems that the spirit of it had deep roots in the current at that time of social/political scrumming, and so we seem today have a great toleration of individual choices. They seemed to have some sense of an underlying code,as it were, shared by us, the peoples.

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I concur with Simple Man - great solid wisdom!

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Glad you posted this...had started to read that one and got interrupted, as often happens when I plunk my backside on the couch with my digital lap dog. Forgot to get back to it later. Just went back and found it. More than worth the effort, so thanks for the good timing.

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When G.K. Chesterton was asked on two separate occasions what was wrong with the world, he said “sin” one time and “me” the other (please don’t ask me to cite the source—I’m in the recliner. On these occasions, sloth is my favorite deadly sin). On all occasions, Chesterton said that what was right with the world was God. That still holds. But there are levels of human egregiousness. A suburban homeowner from the ‘60’s might inadvertently start a small lawn fire while burning raked fallen leaves in the gutter (ah, that long-lost autumn smell), while an arsonist would deliberately start a massive fire for nefarious ends. So while all of us are capable of messing up our beloved country, and do in our own special ways, not all of us are half a ton of stupidity and malice stuffed into a 300 pound orange meat sack hosing kerosene into a smoldering body politic to try to slake our own insatiable greed, malice, insecurity and narcissism while also hypnotizing a slavering sect of red-hatted mini-mes to go and do likewise. How do we fix our country? II Chronicles 7.14ff still holds true: “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land…” If there’s another Great Awakening, it will first be preceded by a Great Contrition, which will be preceded by a rising recognition that true conservatism means holding fast to what is good and repenting of that which is destructive, which includes politico/religious cults. I’m already starting to feel pangs of remorse for the intemperate language of this post. But I’ll deal with those after I post this.

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You had me at “I’m in the recliner.” Intemperate? No, though I consider the 300 lb. meat sack as more a symptom than the problem. Contrition (and gratitude) would be good for openers, but how the hand would be played after that I have no idea—though epistemological modesty would be a winner if it became wildly popular.

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Amen on your "intemperance". Props for all of this. (Am primarily a couch sinner myself. Should probably get a recliner, as it sounds even more sinful.)

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I too am a bit late to comment, but I have checked in this week to read comments and have pondered if I had anything significant to offer...

So here goes - what if, just what if, all is NOT broken? But rather in a terrible, uncomfortable state of change and flux, as often is the course of human history when dramatic change is occurring here on our planet?

I offer these quotes from the writings of Rebecca Solnit that also came across the airwaves this week:

"This is an extraordinary time full of vital, transformative movements that could not be foreseen. It’s also a nightmarish time. Full engagement requires the ability to perceive both.

Hope doesn’t mean denying these realities. It means facing them and addressing them by remembering what else the twenty-first century has brought, including the movements, heroes, and shifts in consciousness that address these things now.

It’s important to say what hope is not: it is not the belief that everything was, is, or will be fine. The evidence is all around us of tremendous suffering and tremendous destruction. The hope I’m interested in is about broad perspectives with specific possibilities, ones that invite or demand that we act. It’s also not a sunny everything-is-getting-better narrative, though it may be a counter to the everything-is-getting-worse narrative. You could call it an account of complexities and uncertainties, with openings.

Hope locates itself in the premises that we don’t know what will happen and that in the spaciousness of uncertainty is room to act. When you recognize uncertainty, you recognize that you may be able to influence the outcomes — you alone or you in concert with a few dozen or several million others. Hope is an embrace of the unknown and the unknowable, an alternative to the certainty of both optimists and pessimists. Optimists think it will all be fine without our involvement; pessimists take the opposite position; both excuse themselves from acting. It’s the belief that what we do matters even though how and when it may matter, who and what it may impact, are not things we can know beforehand. We may not, in fact, know them afterward either, but they matter all the same, and history is full of people whose influence was most powerful after they were gone."

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It's good to know that I'm not so alone in my contention that America isn't actually broken. Before I posted to that effect a while back, I looked over all the comments that had been submitted up to that point (a couple of hundred) and mine was definitely a minority position. Since then, as the total number has grown, a few more along that line have appeared, including yours. And I think perhaps a few that have already spoken might see it that way if they took a little time to think about it. And what you just wrote is a much better argument than I made.

Your definition of what hope is and what it is not is spot on, I believe. And this was a pretty fine piece of writing. So, props. And thanks.

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Thank you for giving us these powerful, eloquent passages.

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Sorry, Doc. Just realized I posted my reply to Nancy to your remark by mistake, hence the deletion. Will try to get that little pointy thing in the right place this time and have another go at it. Apologies for the confusion.

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no prob! I'm with you

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I too came late the party. Many thoughtful and interesting insights. I'd say, though, hippies broke America. I would say improved and refocused classically liberal education would help fix her, but the hippies - and their philosophy - largely are in charge of the halls of academe.

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that is an interesting idea

as a former 60's revolutionary

I'd say the hippies were harmless by comparison :)

When we shift our sights to the counterculture generally

we are forced to acknowledge that the 60's brought,

along with many significant contributions,

seismic changes that have negatively affected our morale and unity.

That the halls of academe remain ruled

by my former fellow travelers on the left

(whose philosophy is more marxist than hippie)

doesn't give our young a balanced view of our history

nor an inspiring vision of our future to build toward.

I wholeheartedly agree with you that

"improved and refocused classically liberal education would help fix her"

It would help us rebuild our political center

immune to the lemming calls of either extreme end of our spectrum.

Thank you for coming to the party!

Isn't this one amazing?

I love all the ideas and insights we are creating together.

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Good point! I should have made a better distinction between the hippies and revolutionaries. While I see significant overlap (probably my jaded Gen X-er perspective!), there is undoubtedly a difference.

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"Hey, Doc. Me again. As a "former 60's revolutionary" (which I was not; I was a semi-redneck in a red and yellow polka dot shirt and bellbottom jeans for about a minute), you might get a grin from my "Boomer tale" posted in reply to a comment from Matt on an observation I'd made about "generations" earlier, if you haven't seen it.

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I came late to this free play session so hopefully I'm not parroting somebody else's idea (I did do a quick scan). I would reference the book "Bowling Alone: Revised and Updated: The Collapse and Revival of American Community" by Robert Putnam. The TL/DR (see how I slipped the internet in there when the internet is DEFINITELY a significant part of the problem??) of the book is that we don't interact face to face in community as much as we did before the great age of Digital Information began. Now we hide behind avatars and bravely march forth as keyboard warriors to sling the filth at other nameless/faceless people. It's so much easier to vent one's spleen when the person doing the venting can remain relatively anonymous. How do I know that Matt's not actually a Russian Troll? (I mean other than the fact that my dad was stationed for 3 years in Lexington Park so I often read the articles waiting for some Maryland reference I can relate to so I give Matt the benefit of the doubt). When we would meet in person you could have a healthy debate because it's much harder to say dumb things to a person's face. You would have disagreements but you would also know that the person you disagreed with was another human, just like you. My dad voted for Nixon, Ford, Reagan but we had friends over for dinner that voted for McGovern, Carter and Mondale and nobody cared other than a gentle ribbing the winners would give the losers. With internet, social media and the like you could be as vile as you wanted to be and it was only a matter of time before people actually began to behave that way in public and now the extremists on left and right get all the press cycles (sometimes they are the press) and the vast silent majority is no longer just Nixon voters but people who long for the civilized age. We need to figure out ways to get out and socialize with people including ones who don't sit with us in our echo chambers and realize that everybody for the most part have plenty of common ground and voting for the person with the wrong letter after their name doesn't make one the enemy.

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I feel you get to the heart of it.

Thank you for your insights.

Yes we have a lot of face to face

rebuilding to do.

This will take time but we can do it.

Wish all of us commenting here

could gather to begin the process.

But we ARE beginning it

just by asking ourselves how we can.

And by taking up on each other's constructive suggestions.

I really like yours.

I too believe we have plenty

of common ground.

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Well you'll be pleased to know I'm not a Russian troll. I'm pro-Ukraine! But you seize on something important here, which is that we abdicated responsibility when we abdicated face-to-face contact. It's easy to hate people on the other side of the digital divide. When you don't actually have to reckon with the consequences of hateful words. Ironically, it's much harder to injure strangers when there's a chance, that if you act like a jackass in person, you might get punched in the face. I am pro-healing, mind you. I'd like to see the country come back together. But detached communication is much of the problem. Never underestimate the healing power of the threat of getting punched in the face. Sometimes, it helps people shape up in a hurry, and to act more responsibly.

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I do wonder if we in the West are collectively Nietzsche's Last Man: listless, sad, unsure of ourselves, only interested in being entertained, etc.

And I'd rephrase the question, and look at the West more broadly, and not just America. Because, well, just take a look at Europe. It ain't thriving.

So if it's broke (or in the process of being broken), it's a lot of things. Maybe it's the post-structuralists who taught us to question those grand, unifying narratives of ours (and to ultimately question truth itself). Maybe it's been the slow jettisoning of religious belief for secularism (which is just another religious belief, I'd say). I'm sure the slow but steady growth of government (and the almost slavish reliance on it that follows) has played a role. Maybe it was disco.

But I do also wonder about the effect of losing that one existential threat, the Cold War, that kept us, for the most part, united in the notion that good and evil did exist. (Okay, we can quibble on that.) We've always had partisan bickering and political feuds, but during the Cold War, Reagan and Tip O'Neill didn't seem to hate each other, and could sit down and hash certain things out.

So losing that (and I'm glad it's gone, obviously), what we had left was big government, and partisanship that became almost religious in orientation. A decade later, and our digital age gave us the ability to create our own virtual, self-curated selves on the web. We're designed to look beyond ourselves, to seek the transcendent. Can you find that on social media?

So short answer: It was Zuckerberg and the Commies.

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F A C T I O N. And that genie is never getting pushed back into the bottle. To think otherwise is naive in my opinion. Because of it, I can’t ever see America getting “fixed”. America’s democracy is in decline and I believe faction is THE root cause. It’s sadly alive, well, and thriving.

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Makes Madison look pretty smart right? Supercharged now by the level of identification that people place into politics as opposed to other arenas of life.

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It's difficult to keep a country as diverse as ours a democracy. It requires that everyone has a right to speak their mind and vote their choice and the changes in the last 50 years in how the news is presented, every single minute, is mindblowing. FOX is on from morning to night in many homes I enter now to socialize and visit. When I was younger not only wasn't that the case but news came on in the early morning and then again at dinner and in NY again at 10pm Seemed to be enough for most people. As life went on, and heated debate happened about how we should respond to events in our lives, much changed. I remember when the clique of Southern Senators told Johnson they'd vote for his bills but he'd pay the price.....the Democratic party of the south was done....and so it was. For me that was the beginning of the end of diverse working together on bigger issues. Women's Rights and the Vietnam War exacerbated an already fractious world, at least mine. Still, their was civility and friendships. The end truly came when everyone was walking around with a internet phone and cable news. Just some ideas. Fix it isn't easy and requires overlooking national politics and seeing what each of us can do in our town, city and state.....Republicans and Democrats used to be happily married to each other.....not so much now. Got to go to take care of life in my home.

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News twice a day for 30 minutes would be a big help (though I know that will never happen.) I see people I knew from high school on facebook, some of whom are - no easy way to say it - dumb, completely immersed in politics. One example, a friend who failed two grades, and spent age 18 to 40 stoned daily before finally getting a sales job and who lives in the house he grew up in (dad died, mom re-married and moved) spouts off MAGA talking points every day. This guy had zero interest in politics and probably couldn't name all the presidents of the past 60 years before he started watching FOX a few years ago.

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I find your words very moving.

Especially your last line.

As I read your insights I thought:

"It:s people like you

who keep this country together."


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Your kind words touch my heart. Thank you

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As a member in good standing of the Boomer generation, I take some responsibility in helping to screw up the country. We were too greedy with Social Security payouts and we inflicted the hippie subculture on the world. We wanted revolution without consequences. And life doesn’t work like that. There are always consequences. Finally, Boomer pols have stayed in political office too long. Maybe there were too many of us.

On the other hand, there was/is rock n’ roll. The Dead, Led Zeppelin and the Allman Bros. We ended the Cold War and started in on Vietnam. Growing up, I was, as they now call it, a free-range kid. My mother said to be and my brother: Go outside and play. Come back for lunch and dinner. Now parents are accosted by child welfare for letting kids play.

These days everybody’s uptight. You say the wrong thing and people are in your sh*t. Cancelled.

People ought to lighten up and let people lead their lives in peace a quiet. We need more of the good ol’ pioneer spirit. More independence. Take care of your neighbors.

I don’t have a good solution to societal disintegration. If you’re a parent, teach your a little patriotism with a recognition of our faults. Save your pennies. Follow Poor Richard Almanac’s precepts: “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man...” Be upright. Work hard; play hard. Have good friends. And, for goodness sakes, stay away from the law.

Be civil with others..

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I'm a boomer - barely - and I think boomers get a bad rap. I never asked for more in social security and I've paid plenty into it. Boomers had a social conscience - this was the generation that helped fight for civil rights. And sure, the Vietnam War protests were motivated in no small part by the desire to not have to go there, but they were right. It was a wasted war. I think the boomers helped usher in some positive change. And most of them got over hippidom, and went on to work, get married, raise kids, and pay taxes.

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Spoken like a true Boomer. At least most of the ones I know.

We've been getting a lot of crap for our faults of late. Some of it deserved. But we don't seem to get much credit for any of the positive stuff. So, effe 'em all when it comes to these know-it-all naysayin' whippersnappers. They don't know any more about anything than we did when we were their age. And if they're lucky enough to live long enough, they too may come to realize that their generations are for the most part no better and no worse than ours.

People ought to lighten up and let others lead their lives. Indeed.

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You raise a good point, Michael. And I know some Boomer scuffles have broken out elsewhere in this confab. My general feeling is these generational distinctions are artificial and stupid: who even gets to decide the dividing line between them? But much as I've tired of reading of Millennial BS over the last 20 years (who cares what they think, do, or buy in bulk at this point?), I also, as a Gen X'er, am left with the distinct impression that no generation besides the Boomers has celebrated themselves quite as hard. WHich is fine. They had the numbers to do so. And a lot of interesting things happened on their watch. (In fairness, many of the rockers I love, as Doherty pointed out, are Boomers.) But with much self-aggrandizement comes much criticism, so they should've been prepared for that too. Hey, at least they're still getting attention well into their late '60 thru '80s. Attention, being the thing they really love. Most generations are forgotten by then. And yet, they might even duke it out for the next presidential election. Whereas, Gen X - which got about a half an hour's worth of attention in the early '90s - most of it negative - is still waiting their turn. And will ultimately probably get skipped over altogether for some Millennial dweeb. Not that I'm bitter.....

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Following up on my reply about the craziness of complaints and comparisons between generations. I guess it's our never-ending need to be part of a team and compete with other teams. I don't give a crap about generational rivalry. My kids are some other gen - I have no idea what because I don't know what years cover GenX and Millennial and whatever other groups of birthdays have names. But I love my kids and their friends. Likewise, I volunteer with some troubled teens. I have a great time hanging out with them and I have no idea what birthday grouping meme they're part of. Likewise, they don't care or know that I'm a boomer (or what a boomer is.) Sorry, but the whole concept is ridiculous.

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Totally disagree. I'm a late boomer, and I have never thought anything about the generation. I went to college, then worked as a stockbroker before becoming an entrepreneur. Raised a family; good kids. I posted a minute ago about good things boomers did - civil rights etc. But I only posted that (and that's the first time in my life I've ever even mentioned boomer gen) because all I hear these days is "OK boomer." WFT? I've never thought about comparing generations. To all those who bitch about boomers - just live your life. Get over it.

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Umm...what? What'd ya' say?

Sorry. Had the volume wheeled up on some Stairway to Heaven...

Oh. Yeah. I seem to remember hearing something about you guys back then, too. Damned if I can remember what it was though. I'll check with my X'er progeny and get back to ya'.

Meantime, a brief Boomer tale for your reading pleasure...every one of the baker's dozen of shops I've worked in over the years have had at least one guy whose filter is a bit...weird. Which beats the hell out of the guys who lack one at all. Guess it's much the same in most workplaces. Anyway, last summer on the first day of my current semi-retirement part-time gig, I'm standin' in front of a mill about a half hour after clocking in, pecking at the keys and looking at the screen on the control to get a program written for the job I had to do, when I sensed someone close at hand and staring at me. I turned and saw a guy who had been working at a mill across the shop, and whom I'd not met yet, standing a few feet away with a cup of coffee in his hand and literally looking me up and down. He's over 20+ years younger than me, as are the majority of hands there. The only people close to my age are two of the brothers who own the place, and I've even got a few years on the older of them.

Now, I was in need of a haircut, hadn't trimmed my beard in a while and hadn't shaved at all for about a week. (Leftover Pandemic unemployment habits can be a bit hard to break. Besides, in my line of work, well-coiffed and clean shaven pretty much counts for nothing after the original job interview, and not even then from more than a few examples I've seen. And I had looked good enough to land the gig a couple of weeks previously.)

Before I can say a word, like maybe Hi, Out of Kilter Filter casually takes a draw on his coffee cup and says "So, are you one of those old Hippie guys from the 60's, or what? And why are you only working 3 days a week when the rest of the shop's working overtime?"

I won't repeat my reply in the semi-polite company here. But let's just say that in spite of it, we're more or less friends now.

OK. Got to get back to a little self-celebration. Gonna' crank it up on a bit of Dazed and Confused...

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Stairway all the way!

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"Be civil with others."

Or, as we Gen-Xers would say, "Be excellent to each other."

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I subscribe to just about all of this. Except for that early-to-bed, early-to-rise part.

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We do like to hear ourselves talk, don't we?

Having said that, I'll be brief. The answers: Hugh Hefner & the so - called "Sexual Revolution" The fix: all people residing in the U. S. should be required to read "The Screwtape Letters."

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An old Poem .

The Redcoats are coming the Redcoats are coming !!

Kill an overpaid cop -- Join the Tea Party.

They dont call them PIGS for nothing;

first to the trough.

After the Revolution read your Whiskey Rebellion history,

where GW & Alexander(central bank)Hamilton

slammed a federal excise tax on the poor corn farmers

& backed it up personally with the military force !They are not patriots they are revolutionaries.

As was the case the first time , this time also the Tea Party will lead to the destruction of the nation.

Though both the latter & the present were not against their mother country they naively thought

that they could have a revolution without separation, killing bloodshed, violence, war.

If you do not know history it will repeat itself.


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Also for goodness sake, ENLARGE THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. I think after 2+ years of freaking Zoom meeting for everyone else, our august citizen-leaders could take one for the team and, I don't know, expand the house to like 7000 or 8000 members. It's quaint and adorable that we have this old fashioned notion that all of the House members need to share meatspace together. Maybe in the 19th century, dude. But, _move over bacon, there's something meatier_ (twss)

Then all of the crazy lunatic fringe could get their nutjobs on OAN every night and we could get back to the business of running the country.

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Or the nutjobs will then have the numbers to carry every vote. I have a feeling they have a lot deeper bench. Next thing you know, there will be a shooting range on the house floor (with mandatory target practice once a week while the House is in session), along with a compulsory break every day when they get out their prayer mats and kneel to Q.

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Matt. Idiocracy was a fine movie but it is not a how to guide... :(

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I'm gonna go with 24 hour news cycle and cable news networks. That's the point when politcs became _performative_ and not about, y'know, government.

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A democracy requires free, fair and extensive voting AND accurate information on both candidates and the current condition of the country. If any of these fail, the democracy fails. Gerrymandering voting districts to fractions of a person, restrictive local and state voting requirements, done under the ruberick of election integrity when there is no evidence of a failure of integrity, fictitious news posts masquerading as truth, money at the truly Drug Lord level poured on various candidates and an increasingly polarized electorate made dumb by their partisan political intransigence. I could go on. This is not a deep and abiding mystery. This is America today, you had better enjoy it because it will not be the America of next week. Chris Wileys book, Mindf**ked, is really an essential read. Don't put too much stock in the characters of the time - there is no candidate for public office not doing the same today. And you, my fellow reader, are the target.

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Madalyn Murray O'Hara, Artificial intelligence and it’s Algorithms.

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Growing up (I’m 37) my parents or society in general seemed to abide by a common social rule, you generally don’t discuss politics or religion. I’ll stick to the politics side because I don’t really know or ever talk about religion. I don’t know when, or if, that norm existed and/or was broken, but for at least the past 5 years, it seems we look and talk about basically everything threw our politician world views. Obviously there are times when politics are important to discuss, and perhaps I’m just too young to know any better, but it sure seems to me that no matter what the issue is, both sides pick their sides and go from there. As a result, whenever I’m discussing whatever the issue of the day is with someone, I can guess with something like 85% accuracy who they voted for in 2020. And because of this, often times simple discussions about trivial issues can turn political, real fast, which in my experience isn’t good for anything, as most people are pretty entrenched in their political views with no room for persuasion, hence the norm that I vaguely remember of keeping your politics to yourself. It seems to be uniquely American as well. I lived in Mexico for 10 years, which also coincided with beginning of covid. Among the hundreds of conversations I had with friends and family in law, covid related issues never turned on politics, they generally stayed to actual merits of masks, vaccines, what activities should air be doing, etc, without some diatribe about whatever AMLO happened to think on the issue. Where as when I would log into my American generated twitter feed, those same issues tended not to debated on the merits of a shutdown, or mask mandate, or whatever, but rather “owning” the other side, whichever you were on. Anyway, I ramble a lot, but I wish we didn’t paint politics over every issue of the day, and could have more honest debates about x,y or a without first checking what our teams position is and then arguing backwards from there.

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Yes! Having to check what the team playbook says before you even know your own mind on a subject is the death of honest debate about anything.

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I spent my career as a physician working in a southern mill town where the county always voted conservative, basically family, god, church, pickup trucks. As a New York transplant I never felt apart from my patients and we always had mutual respect.

I cannot recall any medical issue that in any way divided people on political lines and never talked politics.

Twenty five years later I am semi retired but I go out to rural NC doing physicals at power plants during Covid and everything is the opposite. If you ask somebody if they are vaccinated people will quote you a bunch of pseudo science bs that they confirmed their prejudices with on the internet. The vibes will turn bad and the interactions are fraught with anger. I thought I might try to explain to people why they should vaccinate, but gave it up as people will not listen. They are stuck in their dogmas, and whatever you might explain about how their information is wrong, they are dug in, and will just move onto the next propaganda they find. You might as well be talking with somebody from ISIS.

More importantly, where I once enjoyed a position of trust with the family as an advocate and friend, people are now suspicious that I am the bad guy, the establishment.

Its sad. I am very grateful I had 25 years as a family doc that was trusted and appreciated.

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It makes me a little ill how demonized the medical profession has become in the last two years. Yes, they didn't always have all the answers. But who did? It was a novel virus. A lot needed figured out as we went along. And I'd still rather get medical advice from medical professionals than from Dan Bongino.

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Seeing this problem through your eyes makes it far more clear to me.

Thank you.

Yes I can see that what you explain here is a real barrier to our getting back together.

I too was shocked that we even politicized covid!

Wow this has hurt us.

If we had faced the challenges and losses of the pandemic together,

as generous hearted and brave Americans who truly care about each other,

we would be emerging from it

having built deep and unifying bonds.

That we are not is a tragedy.

I am hoping we will do better

in facing together the current assault

on the free world.

Thank you again for your valuable insights.


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When political service became a job. To be a politician used to mean service to one’s country. It was something done temporarily, before you returned to your ‘real life’. Now it serves to feed one’s family (or line one’s pockets). It has become a way of living for many (most?) politicians. A career. And because they now depend on it, they will fight for it, no matter what the cost. This means they are now more susceptible to lobbying, influence and bribes and less concerned about serving the people and country they swore to protect. The answer? Term limits, across the board. Two terms max, with no chance for re-election beyond the limit.

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Just an observation, fwiw...term limits were established by a ballot proposal here in MI back in '92. Three decades worth now, and nothing's changed for the better in state government. Still a partisan morass. And worse now than ever.

What we really need are some kinds of limits on a**holes running for office.

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To the original question, Boss:

We’ve trended poorly for a while. The point when the “conservative” party in the US — which purported to value CHARACTER — shoved all in for Trump?

I’d say that was it.

Anyone who watched the news from 2017 forwarded, and voted Trump in November 2020?

YOU voted for January 6.


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Well. Having arrived for gym class after a day of blue-collar math, working class physics and industrial arts projects, I thought I'd take a quick look to see what direction the balls took since they were rolled out this morning, and if any from-behind-the-shoulder headshots had welted a noggin or bloodied any noses. A quick scan reveals no blood, no welts and no seriously bruised egos in need of a towel full of ice. So far. But since it takes a minute or three to even semi-seriously run a pair of eyeballs over a couple hundred plus nuggets of wisdom, I may have missed a detail or two. But I did discover that the monkey wrench thrown into the gears of America could have been anything from the 17th Amendment (I'd have gone with the 18th, but then we came to our senses and ratified the 21st, so I guess that's out) to all things internet (surprise surprise) to Romney's failed 2012 campaign (no surprise) to Bro Country music (you call that music?) to Rupert Murdoch...wait, Rupert Murdoch? But he's not even an Americ...oh, yeah, Fox News. Sorry. I'm old and sometimes forget things.

Anyway, there seem to be more than enough reasons and culprits responsible for America's sorry state of disrepair. And they've been enumerated and parsed and discussed in a pretty thoughtful, respectful and an even civilized way.

What the hell is wrong with you people?

I loved gym class. Especially when Mr. O stepped out not only to smoke but to flirt with that cute English teacher. Funny how her break always coincided with his gym class instead of his history class. The only rule at such times was "Don't break anything". At least in the way of school property. So in that spirit, let me weigh in on who / what broke America. Heads up...comin' atcha'

America is not, in fact, broken. Your car isn't actually broken if it's still running and drivable. The check engine light may be on, and the muffler may have fallen off. But that means a problem with a couple of component parts, not the entire vehicle. It may be running a little rough and making a lot of ugly noise, but if it's still rolling down the road under its own power, well it's not really the vehicle that's busted.

And America, not being a run of the mill production model but rather a concept vehicle, has a lot of complicated component parts to deal with, some of them quite exotic due to their cutting edge design, even though some of that design may be perhaps less than optimal after a couple of centuries and then some. There aren't any off-the-shelf replacements available if one of them starts causing a problem, and no warranty to pay for them or a mechanic, even if they were. But the basic design and build job are indeed sound.

I'll admit the check engine light is flashing red instead of yellow, and the noise is getting uglier by the day. But the test drive we've been taking is still under way, in spite of all the detours off the main drag. So, while I will readily say that we definitely need to become more skillful, resourceful and dedicated mechanics and, as every generation before us has done, find a way to make the needed repairs to those parts causing the problems, I will not go along with the idea that America is truly broken until it no longer moves at all on the road of freedom and liberty that its designers and builders set it on all those generations ago. Nope. Nope nope. Not gonna', and you can't make me.

This head now available for pot shots.

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Extended metaphor becomes allegory. Well-played. Agree we have to put her up on the hoist for careful inspection, then wait for replacement parts and hope they don’t get endlessly delayed in the supply chain..

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Probably just gonna' have to learn how to make the darned things ourselves in some way or another. Would be easier, I think, if we had more of the social aura and values associated with "making things" in times earlier in the past century when a large swath of the country's population was involved not only in making things, but in making things work when they broke down. I guess that's a pretty old school perspective, but I'm a pretty old school guy, and have been for a whole lot of years before I actually got old.

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Having spent 62 years “in the past century” I can empathize with your nostalgia (“the rust of memory”) for making and fixing, though that’s about as likely as me building the iPad on which I’m writing. My days as a shade tree mechanic rebuilding a V-8 are a distant memory. As much as I cherish those times and see the value in the independent and creative spirit they betokened, I think we’re going to have to invent other ways to re-create.

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No doubt what I wrote was carrying a tinge of nostalgia. But frankly, I gave up wrenching on my cars when they no longer came with points and condensers. And I don't miss that at all. But I do miss that idea of self-reliance that such activities engendered. A lot of things that I could do for myself, I now "hire" others to do as a matter of convenience or because of time constraints or because I just damn well don't want to do that particular thing any longer. Figure I might as well get used to that, because the day's coming that I won't be able to do some of them, even if I want to.

Certainly we need to find new ways to "make" and "fix". The reality is that that's going to be more up to the folks younger than us. I just think some of that of which I spoke would stand them in good stead if they'd had the chance to experience it for them selves. But they didn't, so they just have to go with what they've got. And hopefully that will be enough to keep the wheels turning properly.

Appreciate you jumping in on this. Thanks.

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The appreciation is mutual.

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Our new national slogan: America, she's holding her trade-in value. We're still the Ford F-150 of countries.

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I'll drink to that.

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My son had an awesome cabriolet that benefited from much love, attention, quality performance enhancements as well as excellent maintenance. It came to its end finally not because of an accident, but simply because a critical component could not be fixed. The car ran, drove, had all its lights, suspension, engine and brakes in fine working order. But the firewall had age-related stress cracks and the integrity of the unibody was failing. Too much stress, too much age, just too weary to continue. So, IMNSHO the car can be broken even though it still runs. He thanked the car for its device and all the joy he got from it over the years. Then he cut it up with a Jack saw and hauled it off in the back of my pickup. Things change over time. Even if fixed, it may no longer fit the need or the original purpose may be obsolete. It was built to run on high octane in no-carbon future.

Sometimes, you need to reimagine the current situation. I think that is some of what is going on - people are rejecting the status quo and envisioning something that fits their ideals more closely. Take my antiquated understanding of free speech. We don’t seem to have a need for that anymore in as much as many people don’t feel it is necessary (let alone desirable) to tolerate a different opinion, value statement or “context”.

I don’t see a solution. I do see people withdrawing to their respective corners/bubbles. Draw enough lines, define enough boundaries and you pretty much lose the concept of one country. That is where an authoritarian leader changes the course - by forcing conformity (not saying that is a good solution, just pointing out it has happened - more than once). The Balkins may have some lessons for us. They may not be ones we like, however.

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Hey Jonni...A vehicle can certainly break down and fail as a vehicle while still having more than a few working components. Have sent a couple of these to the junkyard myself over the years. My analogy of America as a vehicle for freedom and liberty that isn't "broken" was predicated on the fact that for all that is wrong and in need of change and "repair" at the moment, it's still moving under its own power in the manner I described in my closing lines. Doesn't mean some essential part may not yet break that brings the whole enterprise to a dead stop in the middle of that road. The fact that I don't see the country as truly broken doesn't mean I'm not aware of that possibility.

While I'm not hopeless about our and our country's future, neither am I particularly optimistic. The list of things that need fixing is long, the task daunting, and like you I don't see a lot of solutions. But on the brighter side, we as a nation have weathered a lot of storms just as bad, and some worse, than what we're facing now. Just not looking to call the wrecker before it's actually time to do so.

Appreciate your take on this. Thanks.

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God I love this

You make my heart sing.

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The over-insertion of religion into politics, and politics into religion is what broke America. It’s crushing both civil society and organized religion. In keeping with the spirit of your opener, lets get back to the days of my religion being my business, everyone else’s religion being their business. The actual separation of church and state as discussed in JFK’s speech to the ministers in Houston in 1960. We were all better off when we could be as “religious” on a particular subject as we wished. We can go back to whipping red playground balls at each other too. It certainly kept people on their toes, and there was less obesity. I can do without the smoke breaks, but you do you.

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Of is it that we started turning politics into religion? Becoming more secular as a culture doesn't mean eschewing God or anything holy. It really just means finding replacements for such things.

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That’s most likely the case for some people. It seems we were better off when things stayed more private. I think more people used to identify as “Americans” first, and then by, in some order religion, political affiliation, ethnic heritage, geographic hometown, etc., but almost always we were all Americans who loved America first and foremost. That’s gone in many, if not most people now. “Tribal” identities are the most important thing to many now, and those individuals think they can define what’s “American” now, and everyone who doesn’t subscribe is the enemy.

Do you think people chose to become more secular, or became disillusioned with religion, and ended up there? I’m interpreting “secular” not as a pejorative, but just someone not affiliated with any specific organized religion. Just curious your thoughts…

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That's a good question. I think disillusionment certainly played a role. But honestly, so did the increasing comfort that Americans (and Europeans) started to see throughout the 20th century. The healthier you are, the longer you live, the more money you make, the less fearful you'll be of death, and thus, the less likely you'll be to ready your soul for the sweet by and by.

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022Author

Ahh, sweet wisdom! I know it when I smell it. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle........"

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If anyone or anyone is to blame it is all of us for not demanding better leadership. I mean is it really too much to ask for aspirational and positive vision from our leaders? Apparently so, as no one requires it and both sides now play to grievance.

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She's not broken, she's just ebbing and flowing like she always has.

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Well said. Definitely some head winds, but isnt part of the problem not seeing what we have and just focussing on grievances.

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Maybe John Dewey and the advent of “progressive” education.

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The question to America is in short: "Who Hurt You?"

Well, Matt, I've put a lot of thought into this, and written much of it down. Here's one such missive.

Based on history alone, it appears it is much better to be the leader of a totalitarian government than it is to be, say, a homeowner.

The difference is astounding.

When you invade a country, you’re deemed a hero and a powerful strategist if not also an evil leader. The same is not true with homeownership. At least not in the suburbs. When you extend your fence beyond the surveyed property lines, or perhaps annex a part of the driveway entrance by parking your car in front of it, you’re not considered a hero or a dictator. You’re just considered a dick.

For those of you evaluating your future career options, including taking a role as a dictator, perhaps one of the biggest considerations is that if you are a traditional suburbanite, you can’t assassinate your neighbor for not properly caring for their lawn the way you think they should, or for placing the fence at a distance from your house you don't think is far enough away. But as the leader of a powerful country, you can do so, seemingly with impunity.

Nonetheless, people are taking to invasions before diplomacy these days, not just in the suburbs, but across the world.

Let’s say that your HOA has a rule against storing toilets in the backyard of one’s private property after uninstalling them. It seems more common for HOA leadership to forgo community improvements and snow removal in exchange for suing the homeowner with a shitter in their yard–instead of just having a cup of coffee and a conversation with them to propose a plan on how they can live in peace.

Now, I can’t say if this is based on a true story, but you suburbanites–you know what I’m talking about. Sooner than anyone would have a friendly conversation with a neighbor, they’ll serve papers (and I’m not talking about toilet paper).

So as the duly elected official who gets the benefit of not only tendering the most votes, but also receiving the most votes, you have the opportunity to exercise your power over the person who has to do his own plumbing between work days to make ends meet.

It must be nice to be a dictator.

Listen, sometimes swift and decisive action needs to be taken. From time to time, you may need to drive your semi-truck to the capital to make a point, and if there is enough funding, you might need to set up camp for several weeks. Maybe even with a professional sound system and hired speakers to rally a crowd.

Taking the offensive strategy makes sense to the person who’s angry, but before you know it, the offensive strategy may cost you more than the original infraction you are complaining about. Just ask the three guys sentenced to life in prison for killing Aumad Arbury for jogging in a white neighborhood.

Hindsight is twenty-fifteen. I only say that because over the last several decades, I’ve had nearly perfect (or slightly better than perfect) vision, and plan on it never degrading. But when I look back on life and examine the ways I did what I believed I needed to do to make a point, or the times I made an example out of someone, no matter how right I was, it usually did nothing to solve the problem. In so many cases, when I could see the details more clearly with twenty fifteen vision, it would have been better to have a beverage with the person I was at odds with. Much like the beer summit of 2009. Despite then Vice President Joe Biden drinking a non-alcoholic beer, the gesture diffused what could have been a major dispute based on matters of race and jurisdiction.

Unfortunately, the race riots of 2020 were an example of things going in a much different direction. 2020 saw too much of this sentiment, only to be capped off with an invasion of the US capital.

Swallowing your pride is hard to do.

On the 28th of June in 1914, the Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand was pursued by members of Young Bosnia, a revolutionary movement. After attempting to bomb the Archduke and his wife on a drive to the Governors house, the grenade lunged at them leading to unsuspecting people nearby being injured instead.

When the two went to visit the injured in the hospital a Young Bosnian assassin, Gavrilo Princip came upon them and took his opportunity. He shot the Archduke’s wife in the abdomen, followed by the Archduke himself in the neck. The two died shortly after, igniting World War I which killed 40 million people.

I don’t know what this tells you about running an HOA or Canadian trucking company. Or your dictatorship for that matter. I’m simply saying it is worthy of reflection to determine if the cost of making a point through offensive tactics is worth the price.

And is it necessary?

It only takes one Franz Ferdinand assassination to start a World War, but it takes less than two non alcoholic beers to end one.

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Good points, Daniel. Still, I might fight someone who served me non-alcoholic beer.

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I agree. I guess we should note that the better way to diffuse a war is with stronger fuel. I suggest bourbon.

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As I just replied to another comment...I'll drink to that. Hmm...sensing a theme here...or maybe just thirst.

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That's more like it.

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The Algorithm. More than just "the internet." People have always had to choose what to read, digest, and believe no matter what the media was, is, or will become (although it's true we're in hyperdrive now). I remember when Facebook (I'm oldish) was just about finding old friends and having OMG's together. Then I started getting Walmart posts. I was so naive -- I tried to remember when I had accidently followed Walmart. The scales fell -- Oh! They are just trying to make money! -- I learned the word "monetize." Then I learned about "feeds" (apt description, that). You like this?!? Watch this!!! Are you mad about this? Well, let us show you what rage looks like!!! Many of us no longer know that you need an anchored tether to pull yourself out of a hole. You have to know you're in a hole, for starts. We are being spoon-fed whatever seems to give us the jollies until we are bloated with rot and can no longer climb. I have a friend who is now questioning why we're still getting Polio vaccines. She listens to "recommended" podcasts. Good Heavens.

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Such a good reply!!!! I am a former banker (both commercial and investment). Once decision making required building incredibly complex models (aka algorithms), all of which depended on so many assumptions, people seemed to really believe that real life HAD to follow the model. It was like in Field of Dreams, “if you build it, they will come” except “if you build it, it will happen”. They lost all ability to actually reason with actual facts. That’s how we got the mortgage crisis and the Great Recession. I shudder to think what the algorithms for Facebook, Uber, AirBnB and all the rest program us to do. I won’t touch any of them.

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While considering algorithms don’t forget self driving cars. I may not be able to react as quickly as a microprocessor, but I don’t want to trust a life threatening decision to someone’s algorithm. Does the car try to save itself or does it run into a tree to avoid pedestrians? Pedestrians are softer.

And since computers don’t drink bourbon they’re not likely to ponder the pluses and minuses of their decisions and the associated impacts. Algorithm writers on the other hand…

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Roe V. Wade. Liberals scored one of their greatest victories ever with Brown V. Board of Education, but sadly the lesson they learned was "Hey! We don't have to worry about changing hearts and minds, or even winning elections. All we need are the courts." If Roe V Wade had gone the other way, abortion would have worked its way through state legislatures one by one. There would have been tough fights. There would be more restrictions than liberals like, and abortion would be more available than the pro-life side wanted. But we would have decided it the way it should have been decided: through the legislative process. Each side would present its argument repeatedly and the voters would elect representatives to decide it. Instead the left has stood smugly by pointing at Roe V Wade and taunting opponents that they couldn't do a damn thing. And the right has respnded by taking a sledge hammer to the Supreme Court. And it's broken us. Supreme Court appointments used to be boring. Now they're a blood sport. And each side keeps upping the ante. First it was Bork. Then Clarence Thomas. Each confirmation gets uglier and more partisan. Nobody cares anymore if the appointee is qualified. All that matters is "Are they on MY SIDE when it comes to Roe V Wade. And we've degraded ourselves in the process of the fight. Feminists were all to willing to turn a blind eye to the egregious sins of Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton, all because they were on the RIGHT SIDE of the abortion fight. So, they sexually harassed some women. Left one to die in a car trapped under water. Possibly committed rape. But they voted to keep abortion legal so the hell with the rest. And the religious right whored itself out in service to the most profane man to ever occupy the oval office. So what if he brags about grabbing women by the pussy? We need those judges! Babies are at stake here! We will support anything or anyone. We will ignore any crime or any sin. Just give us those judges so that we can keep/overturn Roe V Wade.

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The 24 Hour news cycle. That is a hungry beast. And after 15 minutes, when they are through recapping whatever disaster de jour is top of the list; throw in another 10 for weather and sports. Then they start on their opinions about just about everything. The bulk of the CNN, MSNBC, and Fox content is just what the talking head of the hour considers “Possible”. Seasoned with how they feel about things. Just Trash. No wonder people think that feelings rank up there with facts.

Politically…..gerrymandering is the root of all evil….

Thanks Matt!

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Watching the short video where some poor kid took a really hard one directly to the "cookie jar" triggered a terrible flashback for me.

I was primarily a school administrator but I liked to "keep my hand in" by teaching a couple of afternoon classes of Phys. Ed. for the middle school kids. In addition to the fact that they needed it, I told myself that it gave me a more "non-authoritarian" relationship with the students.

One time before beginning a unit on floor hockey I went out and found some special foam pucks. They were about four inches across - very soft and none threating. When I introduced them to the students I squeezed them and bended them to demonstrate their softness. Then spontaneously, I did a back-handed wrist flip toward a row of students sitting along the wall.

The big fat puck sailed like a frisbee and hit a student right on the very tip of her nose. I don't think that I could duplicate that shot if you gave me a whole year to practice it. The girl emitted a surprised sound and clasped both hands to her face. When she finally took her hands down there was blood everywhere!

The girl was fine and her parents were very understanding. There was no mal-intent; it was a totally freak event - which I had long ago suppressed - until I saw that video!

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Wow Dwight.

What a shock to have that painful scene suddenly come back and hit you

out of the blue.

Just like the puck hit the girl.

No bloody wonder you forgot it!

How terrible you must have felt

when that happened.

And yet you were innocent.

You still are.

But I can imagine you still feel remorse

remembering the girl holding her face.

So fortunate that she was fine and her parents understood.

God bless them. And you.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

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That's what we're all about here at Slack Tide. Recovering painful memories.

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Time for a 12 step program?

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Maybe a primal scream therapy circle.

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Or how about I'm OK You're OK

whether we are or we're not

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We are broken, and there are three touchstone moments when our undoing began. The first was the assassination of JFK in 1963. The Warren Commission did a lousy job of covering up the truth about what happened and people began to be skeptical of government. The next was Ronald Reagan affirming the government was an enemy for Americans when he said the scariest words in the English language were, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." The third was what happened on a Texas prairie when the ATF raided the Branch Davidian compound and began killing people without justification. David Koresh was a crazy religious nut, but several previous investigations by Texas state government found he had not violated any laws; there was no evidence of child abuse or illegal weapons. People were there because they had chosen it as their religion and believed his garbage, all of which is enabled under our constitution. But then the tanks rolled in and children died in a fire. The Oklahoma bombing was a consequence of what happened at Waco and the distrust of government has only grown. When a society no longer believes in its basic organizing principle, it is doomed. We don't. We cut funding for our most basic of institutions and invest only in defense and warfare. We deserve what we are allowing to happen.

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I don’t know if we are broken. We’ve been worse. We’re no longer enslaving people to grow our crops, lynching people to enforce a racial apartheid, denying Chinese folks citizenship, forcing Native American children to act white, denying women the vote and the right to contract, making war on Philippinos in the name of empire, interning Japanese citizens, sterilizing people in the name of genetic purity, saluting the Nazi flag in Madison square garden, or jailing people for having sex with people of the wrong gender

But we could be better. We stopped joining things and we turned politics into a religion where the other side isn’t just wrong but demonic. Turn off and tune out the merchants of outrage and join a church, a softball league, a food pantry, a knitting club, or the Rotarians. That would help.

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Brilliant. We're trying to form a more perfect union, not yet acheived.

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Everyone thinks it Roger Ailes and Fox News . But I think it was unwittingly Ted Turner and the quest for the 24 hour News channel . This created the jones that could not be fed by real news, nor real journalists !! So we get drama and personalities !! And a jones to push the envelope. It’s like a video Enquirer !! It was so much easier when I could just ignore it at the checkout !

How so we fix…Read more,watch less !!

And learn to be civil once again.We can disagree all day but when I want to punch ur lights out… then I have crossed that line . And calling a guy a moron probably not helpful either (he may well be BUTI need not say that).

Novel huh ?

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Okay, Matt - you asked for it.

1. Rebellion against the Crown - was it really necessary?

2. Separation of church and state - freedom of religion has morphed into freedom from religion

3. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln - "With charity toward all and with malice toward none"

3. Freeing the slaves - without any follow-up effort to integrate them into white society - just leaving them to fend for themselves - and then resenting it when some eventually succeed.

4. Reconstruction excesses in the South - which led to the Klan and the rise of racism

5. The Klan and the rise of racism

6. Professional sports - where people earn millions for producing nothing we really need

7. Hollywood - where people earn millions for producing nothing we really need

8. The music industry - where people earn millions for producing nothing we really need

9. Diversity-Diversity-Diversity; without a shared agreement on truth and morals

10. The private (special interest) funding of elections rather then public funding

11. Political parties, the partisanship that accompanies them, and the control that party chairpersons have over the legislative and the confirmation process

12. General political hot-doggery and posturing any time a camera is turned on

I have others, but this is probably more than enough to get me lynched.

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Thanks, Dwight. Good thing we have camps for people like you........

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Curious about these camps, please tell us more

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I’m voting for Rupert Murdoch. He did a pretty good job breaking the UK, too. We should revoke his citizenship and shun him. Since he bears such a resemblance to William Hearst, maybe we can strap him onto a sled (arms and legs restrained), send it hurtling down an Olympic ski run and see what happens. That wouldn’t fix America but I think I would enjoy seeing it and probably many others would as well.

Seriously, I would suggest teaching civics, financial literacy and personal plus communal responsibility every year from K-12.

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Hey, Murdoch used to employ me, back when he owned the Standard. Of course, he sold us to the evil empire who eventually cut our throats. So screw him! Strap him to the sled!

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We could let him bring Jerry Hall along. I am incredibly fascinated by this marriage. Mick Jagger and Rupert Murdoch - such a contrast. I’ve basically come to the conclusion that she has a fetish for accents (and $, of course).

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Damn. Mick and Rup got hitched and I missed it?

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I posit that most of the difficulties discussed below tend to be caused or exacerbated by the significant concentration of wealth that has occurred over the past several decades — this has correlated with (caused by?) the increasing influence of money (wealth) in politics and policy.

Thanks for listening.


I’d rather be fishing. 👍

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Me and you both, Rob.

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Qualified immunity didn’t break America, but it sure isn’t helping. It enables any government employee to do whatever they want without any legal consequences except for the most egregious acts (like killing somebody). Police brutality, rogue CIA and FBI agents, obstructive regulators, bad teachers, crooked cops, etc would all improve if the people responsible were held accountable.

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"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."

John Rogers, American screenwriter

My vote is for Ayn Rand. Her screwed up meritocratic delusion has inspired more victims of Dunning-Kruger Effect than the idiotic digital games that make people think they could be real, no-bullshit warfighters.

Her vision of noble self-sufficiency and the victimhood of the gifted has made every person who says "I want to talk to the manager" think they are on a crusade of righteous rightness. In the end, it has left us a group of individuals who see no value in the shared vision; the trust in those of us who see the same aspirational future and who are working to achieve it; the belief that more for you does not mean less for me; the willingness to be inspired by leaders who face the same confusing and contradictory dilemmas but who wade in with confidence that we can overcome together; the hope that even if we don't live to sit in the shade of the tree we are planting, someone . . . our children, our grandchildren, anyone who needs to rest . . . will.

Has our atomization, our abandonment of community, our fear and mistrust, taken us so far apart that we are just loose molecules without meaning and purpose?

Maybe Zelensky has shown us what we are remembering, missing now? God helps us, does it require existential threat? And if it does, who would wear our green T-shirt?

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Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022

You either haven’t read Rand or are intentionally misrepresenting her.

Just one example of your misrepresentations: her ideas on the creation of wealth centered, in part, on the idea that creating more did not have to take from anyone.

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I’m not trying to play comment hall monitor, but I do have a good faith suggestion - it is obvious from her comment that Susan has read Ayn Rand and is not a fan, to put it mildly. Tackling her arguments would be the way to go, rather than starting off by the ad hominem that she was being dishonest (as both sides of your either / or imply).

Since that quite obviously is not the case it seriously harms any other argument you intend to make.

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Respectfully, it is not obvious that “Susan has read Ayn Rand.”

From her comment below she is “going to quietly fade into the background now.” She made her smear and has nothing further to say. Ok.

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I am happy to learn more. Will do so.

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I think it is but I will also respectfully fade into the background now too.

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I don't take anything here personally but I am hesitant to engage in direct comment combat. Just going to quietly fade into the background now.

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Well, I understand not wishing to do direct combat in comments sections. But I sure hope you don't fade into the background permanently. We enjoy your contributions. Plus, I don't like to crap on anyone's literary heroes - all taste is subjective and God knows some of mine could be picked apart - but she was a rigid thinker, a leaden writer, and had a really iffy haircut. Not that you said that. Did I just say that? I guess I did!

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Awww, shucks. I don't want to harsh the vibe here. Not going anywhere.

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022

Scarcity is notional. Resentment generates from perception.

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If you want to be understood, you must make yourself understandable.

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Good line. Even if I'm not a Rand fan......

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Fair point.

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Love how gracefully you tread

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Yes, it is just as you say...

"Zelensky has shown us

what we are remembering, missing now."

Yes, it has required existential threat.

Now we all wear our green T-shirt.

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Love the quote, and completely agree that the type of libertarianish BS Ayn Rand spouted out that became so influential for conservatism did and continues to do irreparable harm.

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Not to put off my libertarian friends, but Rand deserves a kick in the shorts more often than she gets one. So thanks for rectifying that, Susan.

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I am compelled to share another Hitchens gem here - "I have always found it quaint and rather touching that there is a movement (Libertarians) in the US that thinks Americans are not yet selfish enough."

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I have no friends so problem solved. Thanks for the note.

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what a great answer, Susan

your friend Deborah

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First thing that came to mind was Trump and his enablers, including but not limited to political cronies in D.C., right wing media like Fox and OANN, Facebook and dark money PACS. Fix it by holding him accountable. It appears that he may never be and will return to the White House in 2024 if that doesn’t happen. It sickens me.

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Right on, sister!!!

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Something broke America? Dang. Why didn't anybody tell me?! I had plans for it this weekend. Please: put up an "Out of order" sign or something.

UPDATE: Ok, misunderstanding: MORE broken now.

Is it though? Materially we're doing OK. My mother didn't have indoor plumbing or electricity as a kid.

In previous eras, I would have been dead many times over, from my many ailments.

I heard the N-word every day of my senior year of high school. (With reference to other people.) Women were treated....

I think America's broken DIFFERENTLY than it used to be.

If I had to name one factor? Technology. A cursing in disguise.

(Except: See above.)

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This is great stuff, and leads me to want to score my second own goal of this free gym period comment section.

America is much better than it was in almost every possible material way as you've noted. We've made huge strides in rectifying many of our original sins - so I kind of rephrase the question as why does it feel so broken?

I'd pin the one factor as loss of a shared cultural plot line, with technology serving as a trend accelerator.

The decline of religion is acutely felt here in the US because it was perhaps our main way of connecting a whole mess of disparate tribes. France, Germany, and Denmark can fall back on thousands of years of shared culture as religion declines in importance, and still you see the cost to them in myriad ways. We have nothing else to fall back on and it does not seem to me that we have a shared set of cultural norms, values, or ethical precepts at this point.

We are drifting away from E pluribus unum to E pluribus pluribus - and as tribal as homo sapiens is, the strain is evident wherever you look.

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Well, we do have rage in common. Rage is the new religion. Worshiping at the altar of our own anger.

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We even do the human sacrifices like the Aztecs - minus the actual physical violence and death of course, but still violent in their own way.

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I kicked myself later for failing to say: We have forgotten God. And each other.

Technology tends to weaken relationships—with each other, with God. All technology accomplishes work by machines that was previously done by humans (or animals). So it tends to make us less dependent on persons, more dependent on systems. And less dependent on a sovereign God.

(Or so we have assumed, beginning at Babel.)

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I find it most helpful to think outside of Christendom, in which I’m tied up and invested, to see the obvious monumental tension. To avoid offense, I won’t name any in particular, but look around the world and you will find one example after another of a religion that is both obviously false and yet indispensable to the society it animates.

I find that my current philosophy can change a great deal because of the incredible tension along this fault line - earthquakes are inevitable for me because I see religion as both false and indispensable. And of course there’s no original thinking here on my part at all - many of the founders mapped out this fault line pretty well in their writings 250+ years ago.

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As you will infer—you could probably finish my sentences at this point—I see all religions as more- or less-flawed anticipations or echoes of the revelation of God in Jesus Christ.

That goes for Christianities as well—from “best account so far” to “obvious perversion thereof.” (My opinion shifts on which is which.)

A propos: there is no longer an active, formal Deism.

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You and your damn historical perspective! Thanks a lot, KAM.

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I think you nailed it!

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I'm generally against monocausal explanations because there are many such "hinge moments" in our recent history: The Kennedy assasination, Vietnam, the Clinton Impeachment, 9/11, to name a few. But in my mind, the thing that unleashed the furies was the touching of the orb by Trump, the Saudi King and al Sisi. Google it. It'll blow your mind.

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Bro-Country Music broke America. Luke Bryan. Sam Hunt. Florida Georgia Line. “Shake it for the birds, shake it for the bees, shake it for the catfish down in the creek… country girl shake it for me” was the line that sealed the deal with the devil.

That and premature Christmas decorating.

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I mean, you're not wrong. But also, I'm not sure this is correct either... :thinking:

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+100 but, but, but, ....and don't take them down until St. Patricks' Day...

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I'll change my previous response and go with this one instead.

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This is a fair point, Ryan. Bro-Country is killing us. (And it's already killed real country). I would rather eat an asbestos sandwich than listen to a Florida-Georgia Line CD all the way through.

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“Me first!” broke America. The idea that my rights, my freedoms, my religion always trump yours. The greater good means nothing anymore. Compassion for those less fortunate? Nope, they’re losers and lazy. Welcome other races or refugees to our neighborhoods? Oh hell no, ya can’t trust ‘em, they want what’s mine! Take a damn shot? Not on your life. I can go on and on. We’re a selfish, greedy bunch and it’s getting worse. How do we fix it? Too late for the adults. Maybe if we could instill it in our children in the schools…oh wait…the adults would ban the books. Never mind.

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Group texts

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Well bless my soul what questions.

Thank you to every soul here who has given your thoughts and ideas.

I am gaining insight from every single one of you.

I confess I am not ready to venture mine.

Am actually in the thick of writing a book on my dream for America.

How I believe we all can become strong, free and loving builders.

Am wrestling every day with all these questions.

So I am taking a rain check and chickening out at the same time.

But I respect each of you who have had the guts to speak up.

Have to share with y'all that I actually dreamed last night

that I was in a room with all us readers of Matt!

We who comment and communicate with each other here.

We were sitting together on the floor.

I suddenly felt a compulsion to speak,

my thoughts welling up in me as I rose.

I had been thinking constantly about the suffering

of the people in Ukraine (which I do),

and as I got up these words poured out of me

with great urgency and feeling:

"I'm sorry, but I must speak...

We are all ONE!!!!!!!" I cried out to you.

I was trying to convey

that we the American people

and they the Ukrainian people...

we the freedom loving people of ALL the world...

are ONE!!!

We are ONE now!!!

This attack on Ukraine IS our wake up call!!!

We have this golden opportunity to overcome our brokenness

as we unite to stand up and defeat this butcher, this psychopathic dictator.

And as we do, we must also stand up to and defeat

the would be dictators in our own country

and the extremists at both ends of our political spectrum

who attempt to break and intimidate and silence all balanced and tender voices.

I believe in your capacity and mine

to rise and rebuild our unconquerable center.

Together let us give our beloved America a new birth of freedom.

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Damn, I'm doing Seuss, you're doing Whitman.

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O Matt, Whitman is my hero. Along with Thoreau, Emerson and Lincoln.

I read them all the time. Always praying to write in their spirit.

You do, which is why I come here.

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Deborah, yes, beautifully expressed. My feelings. We are no longer community, just single individuals, unconnected and craving purpose. Thank you for expressing this so splendidly.

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Tears. Thank you sweet Susan. I needed to hear your words.

I am funny that way.

As long as one person hears my bleating soul I am OK!!!

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