into year three, doc

open your eyes

a little wider

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riders on the tide

head into year two

eyes wide open

hearts ready to rock and roll

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I mean, "Mango Messiah" alone is worth another year's subscription.

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Not my coinage, Mark. It originated out there in the collective conscious somewhere. But we're willing to profit off of it anyway.......I did, however, coin "tangelo-flavored brand manager." Though Mango Messiah is admittedly catchier.

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Hello Matt, you create with words in ways I wish I could, and this article finally convinced me to subscribe. Not that I haven't enjoyed sampling your free wares over the last few months since I found out about you, but this time, something clicked (and not just the "subscribe" button)...a thought that the expense of support is worth being purposely and more fully exposed to excellence and beauty. I've justified innumerable (perhaps unnecessary) purchases in my life using the same rational, but here, no regrets: I'm rather pleased that my small investment is a way to thank you for your dedication and craftmanship.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Matt Labash

Well, happy anniversary. You’re the best in the business. Period.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Matt Labash

Thank you for what you do. I am a better person for happening on your writing.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Matt Labash

I love your writing. I was drawn by the post about the blue birds. Locked in by the dogs and the fish.

Lately, it has been the music. Been a long time since I have locked into peak Steve Perry, what a monster vocalist. It is easy to get diverted by the cheese, but Journey was a true monster band. Particularly enjoyed to loving tribute to The Band. Somehow I had slept on The Hold Stead and they are amazing.

For my part - I have been on an Uncle Tupelo tear for months. Their first two albums have largely been on repeat. Prefer them greatly to Wilco and Son Volt, but great acts but the source with them both together was better.

Thanks for everything you write. Hoping sometime to run into you in person and share a toast.

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Thanks, Timothy. I like me some Uncle Tupelo, too. Have played Farrar and Tweedy/Wilco in here before, but will have to work in an actual Tupelo song at some point.

And yes, Steve Perry: underrated vocalist. Even with the cheesy tank tops.

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I told me wife about the great Journey video and she just about swooned (but she has not seen the video or the tank top yet, so that may change). And mind you - when this was recorded, she was still down in Caguas Puerto Rico where they managed to dominate the airwaves even there.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Matt Labash

Thanks for another year of Slack Tide, Matt. Well worth the price. Whether your writing warms my soul or scratches my innate need for well-placed snark, I’m always glad to have it land in my inbox.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Matt Labash

Dear Matt. I like your writing and am happy yours is among the first of my small list of subscriptions. Your grace statement speaks to me at 2:30 am, as I read with an ice pack, some Tylenol and a big glass of water. We, proud Grandparents, earlier spent 10 hours in the bleachers of an Idaho gymnasium rooting on our 14th birthday celebrating 8th grade Granddaughter’s volleyball team rising to the undefeated title as District Champions and most importantly, recipients of the Sportsmanship Award. Her tears of joy so touched my heart, the day’s bleacher induced aches and pains fell away. Her dad, our 42 yr old son, heads into Chemo treatment number 3 this week, as he battles Hodgkins Lymphoma. His pattern so far gives him a few days of the punies, followed by a good solid week of feeling tired, but human. Let’s hope this pattern continues as his treatments continue on to defeat this cancer. Grace allowed us to sit with him and holler, clap, stomp and laugh those 10 hours away with his regular fun loving self. Meanwhile, several state away, our daughter faces the horrible decision of divorce and all that entails. Her strength, faith and unending desire to explore every avenue available to lead to a best decision is impressive in this very heartbreaking process. This Mama has two “babies” in trouble, and Grace is what I ask. Well, and ice for my aching jaw from clenching my teeth. We will all be fine. I wrote your Grace statement down and will send it to both of our kids. Thank you for sharing. I am iced and rehydrated so I can go back to bed. See, the unexpected healing powers of another’s words is pretty special. Happy Substack birthday, dear Matt, and thanks for listening. Your friend, Karen.

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Well this about stopped me cold, Karen. Prayers for your daughter and your son, that his cancer is routed as thoroughly as your granddaughter's volleyball opponents. Sounds like your kids are going through it. And of course, when our kids go through it, we do, too. But I can smell the strength on you from over here. Which will serve you all well. Hang in there.....

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I look forward to each and every Slack Tide; they are my favorite to read. Thank you, Matt ~ and here's to many more!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Matt Labash

You do good work. I’m really glad I found you. Thank you for bleeding onto a page so that that the rest of us get it.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Matt Labash

Sometimes when I get one of your missives, I tell myself I'm too busy or bored or busy or frustrated or whatever to read it. But each time that I do, I'm a better person for it. Happy birthday to Slack Tide!

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Dear Matt,

Your letter is written

to each of us

as is your every essay

We receive your love

and you have ours always

Your lambs sing thanks

and celebration

as we pasture content

in your grace filled fields


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Slack Tide's own Whitman. (Walt, not Christine Todd.) Thanks, doc.

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Matt, thank you for writing. I look forward to reading each and every Slack Tide essay. You're a wonderful writer and have great taste in music.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Matt Labash

Matt you are a gem and your wife Alana appears to be your soul mate and source of inspiration. I enjoy how you infuse humor, sarcasm and wit into all of your Slacktide articles. I like how you can incorporate gospel, music and literary giants into most of your articles. I look forward to reading them and often I am laughing out loud. I have become acquainted to new authors and new musical artists, thanks to you. I appreciate your work and I am happy that you do Slacktide.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Matt Labash

Just a few months info my discovery of Matt via a friend - one of my great gifts of 2023. Matt is that unicorn of a writer who writes with the acute honesty that we wish more writers (and politicians) were able to muster. His eclecticism is beyond compare so that we readers have no idea what we will be expecting which is part of the fun of being a Tider. Thanks for keeping us sane and connected to what is really important in a time of craziness.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Matt Labash

Being a Tider...I like that

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